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Sadhakaru - Sanjay Durg

One should live a Madhwa life as it's tough to get this life. But with the need of the jobs and social life needs one has to get a job and service different institutions.  We call someone Sadhakaru - who has one excellent work in Adhyatma along with their Laukika work. It's not a good idea to damage an institution that pays us just to focus on Adhyatma(else we should not come to this job concept) Rather do the best of your service to an organization that gives you money and also do your Jeenana sadhana in Madhwa tatwa honestly.  Sri Sanjay Durg is one such successful Sadhakaru. Recent Updates Sri Sanjay Durg recently received an award for 10 years of long service as Senior Manager in the Airport. He is a Sudha Pandit(tough to achieve in life), has written many adhyatma books, a constant sadhakaru of Madhwa Tatwa. Blessed with name as 'Veda Vittala' by Sri 1008 Sri Satyatma Teerth of UM for great work towards Madhwa Tatwa Prachara