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Showing posts with the label finance

Sarvadarshi Insights - Are you prepared for worst financial situations?

  There are only few milking cows in our community, how much you will extract from them? Why are you in hurry to milk more for not urgent needs You must be reading breaking news daily, you know how Russia & Ukraine has caused lots of financial damages to many countries! Also, our neighbor countries like Pakistan & Sri Lanka now under fire. The situation is more worst than 2019-2021 Covid crisis. You may wonder 4-5 states in India are worst performing with GDP & DEBT, soon they will be under trouble. So, as Madhwas are we planned to manage financial crisis? Today we dont have any central funds, dont have social support also dont have any backup. So have you thought? Give size of our community and considering experience that we had during Covid-19 pandemic we found following There are only few rich class people who donate for large impacts Small donations platforms like Satkarta Seva Association etc suffer from people not making name/fame and also Matha-bhedha issues. Crowd f

Sarvadarshi Finance - Money has only 3 paths

Courtesy Pic from Shuterstock दान, भोग और नाश धन की यह तीन गतियाँ ही होती हैं। जो न दान देता है और न भोग करता है, उसके धन की तीसरी गति ही होती है॥- भर्तृहरि Money can have only three states: charity,  enjoyment, or loss. One who neither donates nor enjoys with his money, his money ends up in the third state." - Bhartrihari We can follow simple rules of finance: Focus on saving along with earning Don't waste life and health for earning money - we are not earning for pharmacy or hospital Keep expense audit monthly, these days there are many mobile apps that can help to give even predictions Invest in growing organizations if you are investing in the market Don't waste money on expensive items because you don't know how to spend them! Rather realize some of your dreams of life - for supporting poor madhwa families, investing in madhwa schools, publishing books(you may not author), support education, scholarships, and many more things Start saving early in the age thus you