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Sri Vedesh Teerth - Madhav Teerth Vidyapeeth

 !!Sridigvijaya Ramo Vijayate!! Sri Madhavathirtha Gurubhyo Namah Srivedeshtirtha Gurubhyo Namah.      In Pic Old and new premise of Sri Vedeshteerth Vidyapeeth Today 03-07-2023 and auspicious day of Guru Poornima and Sri Sathyasankalpa Teerth Aaradhana(Uttaradimath - Mysore) marks 33rd Vardhanthi Mahotsava of Sri Vedeshtirtha Vidyapeeth. The vidyapeeth which is at the banks of river Bhima in Mannur(Taluk: Afzalpur, Dist: Kalaburagi, Karnataka). The holy river Bhima river, which was born from the sweat of the holy Varahadev, passed through many theerthakshetras with the special presence of Sridhara Rupi Paramatma.... Mannur, is the place of history, place of worship, and place of great Madhwa parampara growth starting from Sri Madhava Teerth, Sri Vidyanidhi Teerth, Sri Vedesh Teerth, Sri Raghuvarya teerth(Moola brindavana at Anegundi Navabrindavana) Sri Raghuttam Teerth, and Dhruva Kararchita Agastyamuni Poojitha Divya Sannidhana of Venerable Lord Sri Chennakeshava. Jagadguru Sri Madha

Sarvadarshi Editor Special - ABMM 29th Akhil Bharata Madhwa Tatwajnana Sammelana Sept 2022

 What is that Madhwa society looking forward to next? The common Madhwa always looks beyond just having a temple, matha, and Parampara, to drive the next generations along its core Dharma principles. In the last few decades, Madhwa Samaja has once again stood up to the scale of the situation after losing all its farms under the Tenant Act of 1969. Society now has produced a large number of honest Engineers, Doctors, and business owners, renovated temples, matha, and Go-shalas.       Now, the focus shifts toward growing to the next level from another stable foundation built till 2020. At present, any social event, festival, or Aradhana is being conducted on any required scale with the power of youth, willingness, and money back up. This has become now an experience for each & everyone and does not now need any innovation. This also is not a status or differentiation factor among different temples, matha, or groups. What is making more difference to the young generation and probably

Sarvadarshi Insights - Reference giving model for kids growth

Which parent does not want their kids to succeed? Who does not give reference of others to their kids? Every parent likes to bring their kids to the best possible ways. Specially in Madhwas most parents want their child to be a role model, spiritual, and great personality on the earth. The Satwik tatwa that comes by birth itself thinks in this ways.  In today's competitive world we often tend to associate with the large types of people who think and aim differently. Most of the crowd today is tending towards Rajasa or Tamasa personality(may be GOD wish for Kaliyuga itself is like that). But, still you find great number of people who want to be satwika only.  While as a smart parent we want to give our kids great example and references we should know how references are to be given? What type of references normally work and does not work. If you give reference of brother, relative, sister or school mate(who is scoring more marks or good at school) it is called as near reference. If y

Sarvadarshi Sumadhwa Bytes - Carry something when you visit elders/king, kids & Guru

Sumadhwavijaya is the most valued Kavya written by Sri Narayana Panditacharyaru. Sri Narayana Panditacharyaru is called "KaviKula Tilaka". If you read the sloka (Ref 6th Sarga sloka 38) one can make out the way how they explain the given prameya. How did Acharyaru explain the shape of the Bharath Khanda? They clearly explain that from Himayala to Ramsetu the Bharath khanda(India) looks like a BOW shape. One should definitely wonder when there was no aerial view and no satellites and drones how Sri Anand Teertharu explained the shape of the Bharath Khanda? Not only that they also explain that the nation is been put a crown as Lord Narayana himself situated in Uttara Badari(where people can visit). Sri Anand Teertharu reaches the Badari Narayanana and submits their newly written "Bhasya to Bagavadgeetha". Through this submission just for vishnu-preetyartham they also give us a message that -  Whenever you visit elders, gurus & kind or house of kids never go bare h

Sarvadarshi Insights - Spread of Dharmik Extra activities needed in tier 2-3-4 cities

The metro cities of India are seeing lots and lots of Dharmik attachments and Madhwa generations are building multiple skills to live life the way they want. While most prefer to study in good schools and colleges the admissions of Madhwa population into govt schools is around 1% while 99% in private schools.  Smart parents prepare themselves very well to provide various platforms through which kids can study and learn many skills through which they can survive. Thus providing them opportunities in sports, Yoga, Sangeetha, art, and many more platforms. This increases the cost of living and demands more earnings.  These skill learning also opens up opportunities for someone to start a new venture where they are good at or feeds their life. Thus creating job opportunities.  The trend of teaching Yoga, Sangeetha, Bharata Natya, and many skills today are seen on a large scale in western countries and also in most metro cities in India. In tier 2-3-4 cities it mostly does not get that impor

Sarvadarshi Insights - Thoughts move from mind to minds

  Have you ever thought, what happens to the idea that came to your mind and you just ignored it? It happens many a time that we raise our voice when some one demonstrates somethings and you start saying "oh it was my idea also, long back only i thought about it etc". Then, how come in the world others also get same idea? What is idea? Ideas are collection of solution oriented steps that arrive after some one aquires power of thinking. When thoughts mature and starts finding common things between many thoughts collected in mind trigger ideas. The supreme GOD is the power behind ideas. He makes us capable of dreaming, collecting and ideating... Why we ignore ideas? Its our in ability that makes idea to be ignored. Remember, ideas never get killed but rather they are ignored by an individual chetana. Like how kid cannot consume a roti(hard food), in the same way not prepared person ignores ideas. Basically Idea has following approaches Idea generation Idea growth Idea preparati

Benefits of having Lord with you than praying for something else!

Author: Smt. Harini Pagadal  Before the Kurukshetra war, both Arjuna and Duryodhana approached Lord Sri Krishna for help. The Supreme Lord was in Yoga Nidra. With great devotion, Arjuna sat near his feet. On the other hand, affected by his ego Duryodhana sat near The Supreme Lord's head.  After waking up The Supreme Lord initially saw Arjuna since he was near his feet. Then The Supreme Lord greeted Arjuna and asked about his well-being. But Duryodhana could not bear it. As he was sitting near the head of The Supreme Lord he was left unnoticed. Therefore Duryodhana tried hard to grab Lord Sri Krishna's attention. But Lord Sri Krishna only after finishing his conversation with Arjuna turned towards Duryodhana. Then, Duryodhana unfolded his query. " O ! Krishna!  You know the reason for our arrival. We both are your relatives. You very well know that a war is on the verge of breaking out between the two of us. So, without any partiality, you should support both of us" as

Sarvadarshi Insights - Need of the hour to spread across Western Ghats

  If you dont think today, you wont think tomorrow as well The Western Ghat is a boon for us to cover Madhwa Tatwa and also provide rich nature friends Madhwa Kshetra for future generations. This kshetra is been touched by Sri Madhwacharyaru and has now been limited to what our ancestors have constructed. If we don't invest ourselves into the growth of Madhwa kshetras(not just renovating, again and again, existing ones but building new ones) then we can be sure that we lost such nature-friendly heavenly places. Today's generation is fast-moving and is naturally exhausted by the busy life of cities. They kind of look forward to resorts, hill places, and other natural places where they can relax their soul and appreciate GOD's creation(srusthi tatwa) and be back to their refreshed life.  As Madhwa we have lots of opportunities for such creations Madhwa gurukula where students study shastra and also regular education in the middle of nature calmness Facilities that will open u

Sarvadarshi Chintana - The theater effect - psychological impact to improve culture

The movies create a long-lasting psychological effect on minds. Today most young crowd behavior is driven out of the impression created by movies, advertisements. This has led young to feel stars are - great people on earth, stars are smart, stars are only happy people, and also role models to follow always. This is a disaster . But, we cannot avoid it. That is why Westerners adopted it faster and they created patriotism and also lots of behavioral changes through movies . We often make fun of movies and deny the effect it creates on people. But, we should accept the change and encourage anyone to make a good movie that is in favor of our culture, subject, and principles.  1990 Bollywood base for Love Jihad In 1990 when movies were funded by underworld Don lots of movies covering love marriage created an impact and the result of that was seen in our community. It impacted very badly on our ladies' mindset and girls started running behind love marriage, thinking that life will be gr

Sarvadarshi Highlights - Guru-shishya learning thirst an inspirational story

source: Recently a video is viral on social media, in which a 19 years young running daily 10km to home to practice for the army while morning he earns daily food by hard work in the hotel industry.  We leave left behind many great inspiring stories of people within Madhwa society as  they don't hit social media easily.  We ourselves stop spreading good in the feeling of "what's great in it?" But,  Pt. Sumedhachar Kallapur and their gurus Pt. Pavamanachar & Pt. Anandachar (maybe a few more gurus) shishya-guru have made a record which was witnessed by 2000+ audience physically present and 10000+ audience virtually present in live streaming. While all gurus mentioned here work till evening in Shastra adhyayana, adhyapana and doing Madhwa vrtutti and also have a family to take care. But still, they engaged with curious Pt. Sumedhachar Kallapur to impart and bless knowledge of Samagra Bhagavata till night 2AM d

Sarvadarshi Chintana - From Sanatana to western fantasy of rurals

  Many rural places had a high-level heritage of having great sanatana dharma followed. The inspiration of Madhwas and Brahmin was so high that everyone in the village had borrowed lots of great stuff. Like doing namaskara to elders, daily visits to the temple, discussion of adhyatmik topics, even to the extent of providing useful quotes from Bhagavatha, Ramayana, and Mahabharatha. The women who are a strong foundation for generation after generation were highly protecting the culture and its knowledge transfer to next generations. While men are thought to be supreme of family, women were always supreme in building cultural values into kids. Thus both balanced generations very well. Today, if we turn back to any rural, tier 2, or 3 cities all you find is modern western adopting lifestyles. People are thinking they are growing and all they can find growth reference is through movies, serials, corrupt leaders, unethical stars(sports or movie).  The modern world making our dharma weak and

Sarvadarshi Insights - Getting blessed with Satputra(putri) a stotra

Laxmi Narasimha Mantra is a very powerful mantra on triloka. One should do chanting of NARASIMHA NARASIMHA always to get rid off Bad health ( that stops you doing dharama ) Enemies ( one who disturbs your sadhana towards GOD ) People who come to threaten you For getting Moksha sadhana For Arogya, Aayassu, Sadhana achievements Following lyrics of Laxmi Narasimha Stotra would even help getting blessed with kids who will do dharma and also protect you or serve you through their dharmik spirit Ref :  Narasimha Nembo Devanu Lyrics | Kalpavriksha Kamadhenu ( Ref :  Song by Sri Mysore Ramachandra Dasaru Narasimha nembo Devanu Nambidanta Nararigella Varava Koduvanu || Aadiyalli Lakshmi Sahitadi Malagiralu Bandaraaga Sanatkumaararu Aaga Dvaarapaalakaru Tadeyalaaga Kopadinda Mooru Janmadalli Neevu Asuraraagi Puttirendu ||1|| Ditiya Gargbadalli Janisida hiranyaakshya hiranyakashipu remba Bhraatruru Pruthviyannu Mulugisida Kaaranaadi Shree Haariyu Thruthiya Roopadinda Khalana Kondu D

Sarvadarshi Kshetra Darshana - Punyadhama Rajajingar Bangalore

 Punyapradayaka Punyadhama - Bangalore Bangalore has become a place of Sadhana & Sadhakaru. Let it be working hard in the companies, managing hectic lifestyle and other challenges people manage it very well. On top of that most of the Spiritual events happen a large scale here. Most people who work in the organization have added spirituality and also Madhwa Lifestyle very well. This type of attachment to the spiritual and Madhwa lifestyle has given the opportunity to lots of temples, organizations, and also scholars to serve society in building SATWIK samaja. Rajajinagar has many temples and associations that run daily paatha, pravachana, pitru karya, Teertha Prasada in the best possible ways to satisfy devotees and do seva of Lord Vishnu and Acharya Madhwaru. When it comes to Rajajinagar we surely need to talk about 'Punyadhama'. Punyadhama has a history of running daily evening pravachana for many years now. It has brought all possible scholars to the Vyasa Peetha here an

Sarvadarshi Health Tips - Handling Covid

Covid-19 is no more a new issue for the mankind. We faced it 2 times and getting into the 3rd wave. Its witnessed that many things happening around from people having more immunity to not being impacted to people getting in ICU and losing the life. Few things that helped many people to save their life are listed for reference. Still, trusting doctor and doctors trusting on mankind than Pharma or opportunity would help everyone.  Read more information through only trusted sources - don't tune into TV morning to evening Keep your Yoga, Pranayama practices on. Chant Narasimha mantra as guided by various Yatigalu during Wave-1 Have good sleep, avoid being panic but be alert. Following few things would also help: Samatva Tablets - Dr. Kaje Amrutarista - for fever control Mahasudarshana Kada - for fever (Elders) Ayushkwatha tablets - good immunity Eating fresh green leaves - Methi, Palak etc Note: Have your family doctor ( who knows medical history to treat accordingly ) Consult Doctor i

Sarvadarshi Insights - Build self image or brand

  People who have built their Brand/Image are the ones who had the following attributes Identifying self Self-confidence Core values Utilizing their strengths & skills Focused on work and problem solving Following strong path We Madhwa are so lucky that we have many examples to learn from Adhyatmika and draw sometimes laukika thoughts out of our own scholars. Our saints have shown BEST BOOK AUTHORING METHODS Our Dasaru have shown BEST SIMPLE LANGUAGE IN POETIC WAY TO TEACH Devatas stories of Arjuna, Bheeshma, Dronacharya, Hanuman - teach lots and lots of lessons Hanumantha/Hanuman:  has just shown to the world that how a brand 'Doota' itself is a great honor for one who serves his lord/Prabhu. Sri Teekarayaru/Sri Jayateertharu: In such old times when information availability, meeting other scholars, documentation of the process of analysis/writing skills were not published wrote many Granthas and established their brand identity as TEEKARAYARU & MADHWA YATIGALU.  Dasar

Sarvadarshi Chintana - Jaya Jaya Jagatrana why?

Sarvadarshi/27-Oct/Madhava  Ref: Madhwanama book by Sri Srikantachar Mukkundi Chikkerur Madhwa Tatwa recommends us to question things and get right answers. If you set your direction correctly you will surely get pure answer - this is what Sri Mahabharath Tatparya Nirnaya sets background for. So our question today is: When Vayudevaru does not have a defeat at all why one should praise them with Jaya Jaya. Madhwa Nama starts with Jaya Jaya Jagatrana... Vayudevaru themself is JayaSwaroopa and also get Jaya to us when we worship them. So the question is why one has to say "Jaya" to them? Here is how one can learn about the heartfelt praise from Sripadarajaru. Jaya means Utkrusta - Vayudevaru is Jeevottama hence they are superior to all Jeevas. To mean this the word Jaya We are a mirror image(pratibimba) of Vayudevaru(not directly though). Vayudevaru is in our Bimba place. Thus saying Jaya to them will reflect Jaya to us. This is selfish praise itself but a holy selfish. Jaya - o

Sarvadarshi Insight - Your Social Media is like open Window of your house

How about putting eating some cake on Whatsapp status on Ekadashi? Sounds great right and you are doing something unique and really lots of people appreciate being so great and modern!!! This is what our crazy thinking is while putting a status on social media. But it's like an act of cutting the tree branch on which you are sitting. Today billions of people have smartphones (iPhones as well), visit different countries, have all fun activities, eat everything that is grown or grows across the world. Have their big cars, big office, watch, shoes, smart restrooms as well. To whom we are flashing our crazy growth? Who appreciates when most corner village labor has smartphone and watches T20 online....? for whom you are celebrating status, birthday, party, filmy lifestyle, filmy dressing, filmy style marriages??? Sharing personal secrets, doing random activities (without knowing Artificial Intelligence and future plans of Facebook tracking it for their advertisement platform, etc ), sh

ABMM the reformation gift to Society by - Sri Sri Vishwesha Tirtharu

  PIC: ABMM hostel Vidyanagar Hubli Sri Vishwesha Teerth Swamiji(Pejawar Math) has introduced lots of a first of its kind initiatives in the Madhwa community. It has widely benefited Brahmin families apart from Madhwas. Akhila Bharath Madhwa Mandala known as ABMM - is a Hostel for students. ABMM has made great help to lakhs of middle and lower-middle-class families to get food, accommodation, community friends circle, and also sort of common practices learned along with Satwik food. Many of the students who built their education out of these hostels are in the highest positions in any segment of society. Common traits of such students always been: Give back mindset Appreciating the struggle of others to help them and guide them Helping students and hostels across the nation with their earnings Providing support in the fields of education, healthcare, etc Also, they know the struggle of leading life on their own. Such hostels have to come up more and more and help Madhwa students leavin

Sri Rama Tirtharu - Navavrundavana

Ref/Author: Narahari Sumadhwa Sri Rama Tirtharu Vrundavana @ Navavrundavana, Anegondi Period – 1564 – 1584 ರಾಮತೀರ್ಥ ಗುರುವಂದೇ ರಾಮಪಾದಾಬ್ಜಭಾಜಕಂ | ಸಮ್ಯಜ್ಞಾತಧರೇಶಾನಂ ರಾಮಪಾರಮ್ಯಸಾಧಕಂ | रामतीर्थ गुरुवंदे रामपादाब्जभाजकं । सम्यज्ञातधरेशानं रामपारम्यसाधकं । ராமதீர்த குருவம்தே ராமபாதாப்ஜபாஜகம் | ஸம்யஜ்ஞாததரேஶாநம் ராமபாரம்யஸாதகம் | రామతీర్థ గురువందే రామపాదాబ్జభాజకం | సమ్యజ్ఞాతధరేశానం రామపారమ్యసాధకం |   Vrundavana pravesha – Ashwayuja Shudda Chaturdashi Ashrama Gurugalu – Sri Srinivasa Tirtharu (direct shishya of Vyasarajaru) Ashrama Shishyaru – Sri Lakshmikantha Tirtharu (Sosale Vyasaraja Mutt) – Sri Sridhara Tirtharu (Kundapura Vyasaraja Mutt) ಶ್ರೀ ಲಕ್ಷ್ಮೀಕಾಂತತೀರ್ಥರಿಂದ ವ್ಯಾಸರಾಜ ಮಠ ಮುಂದುವರಿಯಿತು ಮತ್ತು ಶ್ರೀ ಶ್ರೀಧರತೀರ್ಥರಿಂದ ಸೋಂದಾ ಕ್ಷೇತ್ರದ ಬಳಿಯಿರುವ ಹುಳೇಕಲ್ನಲ್ಲಿರುವ ವ್ಯಾಸರಾಜ ಪ್ರತಿಷ್ಠಿತ ಶ್ರೀ ಲಕ್ಷ್ಮೀನಾರಾಯಣ ದೇವರ ಪೂಜೆ ಮತ್ತು  ಕುಂದಾಪುರ ವ್ಯಾಸರಾಜ ಮಠ ಮುಂದುವರಿಯಿತು.  ಅದೇ ಪರಂಪರೆ ಈಗ ಅಬ್ಬೂರಿನಲ್ಲಿ ಮುಂದುವರಿದಿದೆ.

Tech Events - Skill Development Program for trending skill in the market

Program Details Date : 10/10/2021 Place : Sri Venkateshwara Temple Toravi road Timings : 3.30 to 5.30pm Note : Please be before the said timing so that the programs run on time and benefit more. Today skills are more important than the degree certificate or college in which one has studied. Most of the IT and IT-enabled employment sectors are moving towards modern technologies, tools, techniques and also predict the solutions. This requires employees with modern skills and adapt to the work environment quickly.  It is important that along with studies at college one need to constantly focus on 2 important things What's required in the job market where your profile can sell and suit the need What are those technologies, tools, and skills that makes one perfect to fetch great learning jobs Modern skills in IT are in high demand. Most organizations are struggling to get talents in the areas where organizations want to move with information technology. Skills like security, cloud-nativ