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Showing posts with the label theater effect

Sarvadarshi Chintana - The theater effect - psychological impact to improve culture

The movies create a long-lasting psychological effect on minds. Today most young crowd behavior is driven out of the impression created by movies, advertisements. This has led young to feel stars are - great people on earth, stars are smart, stars are only happy people, and also role models to follow always. This is a disaster . But, we cannot avoid it. That is why Westerners adopted it faster and they created patriotism and also lots of behavioral changes through movies . We often make fun of movies and deny the effect it creates on people. But, we should accept the change and encourage anyone to make a good movie that is in favor of our culture, subject, and principles.  1990 Bollywood base for Love Jihad In 1990 when movies were funded by underworld Don lots of movies covering love marriage created an impact and the result of that was seen in our community. It impacted very badly on our ladies' mindset and girls started running behind love marriage, thinking that life will be gr