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Sarvadarshi Tarang - Mahayogi Sri Pt. Hayagreevacharya of Nimbal

Today Nimbal is known for Ranade Maharaj Ashrama more popularly. But few decades ago it had witnessed a Maha Madhwayogi Sri Hayagreevacharya   धुनोति निबिडं तमः परिलुनाति पापाटवीं तनोति च मनोरथानुपचिनोति नानोत्सवान् । अनक्ति च पुनः पुनर्ननु मनः सुधानिर्झरैः व्यनक्ति परिओपक्त्रिमं वृषगिरीशभक्तिः शुभम् ॥ - विश्वगुणादर्श – वृषगिरीशभक्तिः If one has strong devotion towards God, it will illuminate thick darkness, destroy the forest of sins, expands thoughts about God, gives various kinds of happiness. It will flood the mind again an again with elixir so that it can remain happy for ever. - Vishvagunadarsha Ref: Mahayogi Pandit Hayagreevacharya ( Kannada Book ) Original Author : Sri Ramacharya Aadya Background Once upon a time the present Vijayapura(then Bijapur) was also known as Vidyapura(place of knowledge), due to attack of the worst King Adilshahi it got name as Bijapur. There is a place called Nimbal(well known Railway station since long) at 42kms from Bijapur. One can witness the rail