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Showing posts with the label harini pagadal

Sarvadasrshi Sadhakiyaru - Madhwa Women Achievers

 Being a true Madhwa lady is as tough life style as a women CEO of large organization How is Kalibadhe to Women? Women been power of the community always, in the past, present and most importantly for future. If dharmik happy life has to be seen on this earth its possible only through brave women. Today with heavy influence of western culture, to be clear western Bad culture influence is much higher than influence of westerns good culture. The culture of cutting cake, waking up in midnight 12 and giving a gift/cake has become totally unavoidable. We are at peak of blind culture by people who said Dharma is blind belief!!! There are several life being sacrificed just because family did not agree to celebrate kids 1st birthday in hotel at the cost of 40-80,000. Women are under tremendous peer pressure today, applying kunkum, wearing mangalasutra has itself been a factor of being old-school-though person. People don't want to even show themselves as Madhwas, Brahmins or even married.

Benefits of having Lord with you than praying for something else!

Author: Smt. Harini Pagadal  Before the Kurukshetra war, both Arjuna and Duryodhana approached Lord Sri Krishna for help. The Supreme Lord was in Yoga Nidra. With great devotion, Arjuna sat near his feet. On the other hand, affected by his ego Duryodhana sat near The Supreme Lord's head.  After waking up The Supreme Lord initially saw Arjuna since he was near his feet. Then The Supreme Lord greeted Arjuna and asked about his well-being. But Duryodhana could not bear it. As he was sitting near the head of The Supreme Lord he was left unnoticed. Therefore Duryodhana tried hard to grab Lord Sri Krishna's attention. But Lord Sri Krishna only after finishing his conversation with Arjuna turned towards Duryodhana. Then, Duryodhana unfolded his query. " O ! Krishna!  You know the reason for our arrival. We both are your relatives. You very well know that a war is on the verge of breaking out between the two of us. So, without any partiality, you should support both of us" as