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Showing posts with the label reference giving framework

Sarvadarshi Insights - Reference giving model for kids growth

Which parent does not want their kids to succeed? Who does not give reference of others to their kids? Every parent likes to bring their kids to the best possible ways. Specially in Madhwas most parents want their child to be a role model, spiritual, and great personality on the earth. The Satwik tatwa that comes by birth itself thinks in this ways.  In today's competitive world we often tend to associate with the large types of people who think and aim differently. Most of the crowd today is tending towards Rajasa or Tamasa personality(may be GOD wish for Kaliyuga itself is like that). But, still you find great number of people who want to be satwika only.  While as a smart parent we want to give our kids great example and references we should know how references are to be given? What type of references normally work and does not work. If you give reference of brother, relative, sister or school mate(who is scoring more marks or good at school) it is called as near reference. If y