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Showing posts with the label chintana

Sarvadarshi Chintana - Why we started worrying so much

 What do we learn from Narasimha Avatara? सत्यं विधातुं निज-भृत्य भाषितं व्याप्तिं च भूतेष्वखिलेषु चात्मनः | अदृश्यतात्यद्भुत रूपं उद्वहन् स्तम्भे सभायां न मृगं न मानुषं || - श्रीमद्भागवतं satyam vidhaatum nija bhrutya bhaashitam | vyaaptim ch bhooteshwakhileshu chaatmanaH | adhrushyataatbhuta roopamudhwahan | stambhe sabhaayaa na mrugam na maanusham. || Lord Narasimha took Avatara to keep up trust words of their Bhakts (Pralhada, Java-Vijaya) He proved he dont need to be born or no other jeeva cause needed for his avatara Lord can kill any daemon with just his Nakha(each of his body is as paripoorna has him) Today we are in deep worries as opposed to being confident about our survival and success as its all managed by GOD?  Why we have installed worry in our minds? With lots of invaders attacking us periodically looting our properties & assets Our strong laws does not allow us to crime but crime happens on us easily We cannot marry another religion girl with compromising our rules

Sarvadarshi Insights - Thoughts move from mind to minds

  Have you ever thought, what happens to the idea that came to your mind and you just ignored it? It happens many a time that we raise our voice when some one demonstrates somethings and you start saying "oh it was my idea also, long back only i thought about it etc". Then, how come in the world others also get same idea? What is idea? Ideas are collection of solution oriented steps that arrive after some one aquires power of thinking. When thoughts mature and starts finding common things between many thoughts collected in mind trigger ideas. The supreme GOD is the power behind ideas. He makes us capable of dreaming, collecting and ideating... Why we ignore ideas? Its our in ability that makes idea to be ignored. Remember, ideas never get killed but rather they are ignored by an individual chetana. Like how kid cannot consume a roti(hard food), in the same way not prepared person ignores ideas. Basically Idea has following approaches Idea generation Idea growth Idea preparati

Sarvadarshi Highlights - Guru-shishya learning thirst an inspirational story

source: Recently a video is viral on social media, in which a 19 years young running daily 10km to home to practice for the army while morning he earns daily food by hard work in the hotel industry.  We leave left behind many great inspiring stories of people within Madhwa society as  they don't hit social media easily.  We ourselves stop spreading good in the feeling of "what's great in it?" But,  Pt. Sumedhachar Kallapur and their gurus Pt. Pavamanachar & Pt. Anandachar (maybe a few more gurus) shishya-guru have made a record which was witnessed by 2000+ audience physically present and 10000+ audience virtually present in live streaming. While all gurus mentioned here work till evening in Shastra adhyayana, adhyapana and doing Madhwa vrtutti and also have a family to take care. But still, they engaged with curious Pt. Sumedhachar Kallapur to impart and bless knowledge of Samagra Bhagavata till night 2AM d

Sarvadarshi Insights - Getting blessed with Satputra(putri) a stotra

Laxmi Narasimha Mantra is a very powerful mantra on triloka. One should do chanting of NARASIMHA NARASIMHA always to get rid off Bad health ( that stops you doing dharama ) Enemies ( one who disturbs your sadhana towards GOD ) People who come to threaten you For getting Moksha sadhana For Arogya, Aayassu, Sadhana achievements Following lyrics of Laxmi Narasimha Stotra would even help getting blessed with kids who will do dharma and also protect you or serve you through their dharmik spirit Ref :  Narasimha Nembo Devanu Lyrics | Kalpavriksha Kamadhenu ( Ref :  Song by Sri Mysore Ramachandra Dasaru Narasimha nembo Devanu Nambidanta Nararigella Varava Koduvanu || Aadiyalli Lakshmi Sahitadi Malagiralu Bandaraaga Sanatkumaararu Aaga Dvaarapaalakaru Tadeyalaaga Kopadinda Mooru Janmadalli Neevu Asuraraagi Puttirendu ||1|| Ditiya Gargbadalli Janisida hiranyaakshya hiranyakashipu remba Bhraatruru Pruthviyannu Mulugisida Kaaranaadi Shree Haariyu Thruthiya Roopadinda Khalana Kondu D

Sarvadarshi Insights - Build self image or brand

  People who have built their Brand/Image are the ones who had the following attributes Identifying self Self-confidence Core values Utilizing their strengths & skills Focused on work and problem solving Following strong path We Madhwa are so lucky that we have many examples to learn from Adhyatmika and draw sometimes laukika thoughts out of our own scholars. Our saints have shown BEST BOOK AUTHORING METHODS Our Dasaru have shown BEST SIMPLE LANGUAGE IN POETIC WAY TO TEACH Devatas stories of Arjuna, Bheeshma, Dronacharya, Hanuman - teach lots and lots of lessons Hanumantha/Hanuman:  has just shown to the world that how a brand 'Doota' itself is a great honor for one who serves his lord/Prabhu. Sri Teekarayaru/Sri Jayateertharu: In such old times when information availability, meeting other scholars, documentation of the process of analysis/writing skills were not published wrote many Granthas and established their brand identity as TEEKARAYARU & MADHWA YATIGALU.  Dasar

Sarvadarshi - chintana What do we understand by Hanuman carrying Sri Ram and Laxmana

  What do we understand by Hanuman carrying Sri Ram and Laxmana on shoulders Hanumantha is Mukhya Pran Devaru. He carries Lord and Jeeva from one body to another body always. Usually, he carries Jeeva on his left shoulder and Lord on the Right shoulder. Thus during Sugreeva-Rama sandhana as well Hanuman placed lord Sri Ram on his right shoulder and Laxmana(Sheshadevaru) who represent Jeeva on the left shoulder. This is the instance well described in Madhwa Nama by Sri Sripadrajaru through an explanation for "Sri Ram put a smile when Hanumanth took him on the shoulder". Thus Lord Ram indicated that Hanumanth is Mukhaprana only. Also, liked his act towards lifting Laxman as the representation of Jeeva. In Mahabharatha Tatparya Niryana also Sri Anand Teerthraru explains this thought very well using the following sloka. Avavanu dehadolagiralu hari ta nelesihanu Avavanu tolage hari ta tolaguva Avavanu dehadolahorage niyamakanu A vayu namma kula guru rayanu || 2 ||