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Showing posts with the label sarvadarshi chintan

Sarvadarshi Insights - Are you prepared for worst financial situations?

  There are only few milking cows in our community, how much you will extract from them? Why are you in hurry to milk more for not urgent needs You must be reading breaking news daily, you know how Russia & Ukraine has caused lots of financial damages to many countries! Also, our neighbor countries like Pakistan & Sri Lanka now under fire. The situation is more worst than 2019-2021 Covid crisis. You may wonder 4-5 states in India are worst performing with GDP & DEBT, soon they will be under trouble. So, as Madhwas are we planned to manage financial crisis? Today we dont have any central funds, dont have social support also dont have any backup. So have you thought? Give size of our community and considering experience that we had during Covid-19 pandemic we found following There are only few rich class people who donate for large impacts Small donations platforms like Satkarta Seva Association etc suffer from people not making name/fame and also Matha-bhedha issues. Crowd f

Sarvadarshi Chintan - How one should get ready for great work

 How one should get ready for great work Work is one of the most important aspects of Jeeva. Hence it's said "Udyogam Purush Laxanam". One who is lazy blames the work and also avoids doing work assigned to him by Lord earns sin. Everyone performs various types of work daily but how it should be started? For this one should try to understand our Granthas well. Also, it is important to understand how each of our Gurus, Saints(Yatigalu), and even Mahagurugalu(Sri Madhwacharyaru) or Sri Bheemasena Devaru or Sri Hanumant  has done it. Each Grantha starts with supreme lord Vishnu/Narayana/Vasudeva mantra - thus remembering one who is supreme, swatantra, collection of all Gunas, the reason for everything. There is something called as Mangalacharana ( as the name itself says its Mangala = really powerful benefit ). If saints have done granthas they always remember their gurus and then go up till Lord Vishnu. One of the biggest works done by Sri Hanumant is doing Sri Ram Karya. He

Sarvadarshi Chintana - Our submission of Karma to Lord

  "All Karma with phala needs to be submitted to Lord else Karma phala will be taken out by Daityas." It's a practice to submit all karma phala of our days like pooja, homa, havana, parayana, japa, tapa, many more. But we should follow karma phala submission to GOD for all 9 types of Bhaktis also, that we do many a times. Following are 9 types of Bhakti Shravan Keerthan Smaranam Pada Sevanam Archan Vandan Dasya Sakhya Atma Nivedanam So, if you go inline one cannot just submit the karma listed above but even this Janma is also given by GOD which enables us to do many such good Karma. So if this JANMA is not submitted to GOD properly mostly that JANMA will also be a waste.  So, what is the way to submit our JANMA to GOD? To do this following steps are needed: Perform Karma that will yield Punya -> leading to Bhakti Bhakti is most liked by GOD and he will give his Chintana every hour or a minute or second This will enable one to remember GOD at the end-stage ( Antyakale v

Sarvadarshi Chintana - Flower submission to GOD

  Ref - Is it just you want to pour flowers on lord? Is it that you just purchase flowers from the market and think it's decoration? If yes, then you lost the fruits of your pooja. Patram, Pushpam, Phalam, or toyam ... so GOD is willing to bless us even if we submit one flower/drop of water to his lotus feet. So what really weighs in this pooja?  It's all your Anusandhana or Bhakti that adds to this externally visible stuff.  What should be our Anusandhana with external flowers? Hey lord you exist in flower as a fragrance  You exist as beauty in a flower you exist as the attraction of flower you exist as the smell of the flower you exist as medicine in flower you exist as mind soother in flower What should be our Anusandhana with internal Flower? Hey lord my devotion to you is a flower and submit to your lotus feet Your memory is a flower in my mind I submit that to you the love and attraction towards you are the flowers in me and I s