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Showing posts with the label Sarvadarshi insights

Sarvadarshi Insights - Ignorance towards Madhwa/Brahmin run schools

 Its easy to talk loud on world's problems but tough to follow even small problem. There are quite a lot schools that are run by Brahmins & few are run by Madhwas only. These schools incubate culture and high class education that is needed for jobs. These schools are run with good quality teachers, infrastructure and less fees in comparison to other schools. In-spite of such benefits there is lots of ignorance by parents to admit their kids to such schools.  Once upon a time in Vijayapura(then Bijapur) history schools like PDJ, V.B. Darbar etc were of huge demand. These schools had good infrastructure that was needed up to year 2000(of course infrastructure of these schools vs modern schools is totally legacy). These schools were popular because of their 'culture' than so called English Education. Most of the lawyers, doctors, engineers emerged out of these schools and serving society in their respective segments. Lets explore whats going wrong from both the sides. Wher

Sarvadarshi Insights - Are you prepared for worst financial situations?

  There are only few milking cows in our community, how much you will extract from them? Why are you in hurry to milk more for not urgent needs You must be reading breaking news daily, you know how Russia & Ukraine has caused lots of financial damages to many countries! Also, our neighbor countries like Pakistan & Sri Lanka now under fire. The situation is more worst than 2019-2021 Covid crisis. You may wonder 4-5 states in India are worst performing with GDP & DEBT, soon they will be under trouble. So, as Madhwas are we planned to manage financial crisis? Today we dont have any central funds, dont have social support also dont have any backup. So have you thought? Give size of our community and considering experience that we had during Covid-19 pandemic we found following There are only few rich class people who donate for large impacts Small donations platforms like Satkarta Seva Association etc suffer from people not making name/fame and also Matha-bhedha issues. Crowd f

Sarvadarshi Chintana - Why we started worrying so much

 What do we learn from Narasimha Avatara? सत्यं विधातुं निज-भृत्य भाषितं व्याप्तिं च भूतेष्वखिलेषु चात्मनः | अदृश्यतात्यद्भुत रूपं उद्वहन् स्तम्भे सभायां न मृगं न मानुषं || - श्रीमद्भागवतं satyam vidhaatum nija bhrutya bhaashitam | vyaaptim ch bhooteshwakhileshu chaatmanaH | adhrushyataatbhuta roopamudhwahan | stambhe sabhaayaa na mrugam na maanusham. || Lord Narasimha took Avatara to keep up trust words of their Bhakts (Pralhada, Java-Vijaya) He proved he dont need to be born or no other jeeva cause needed for his avatara Lord can kill any daemon with just his Nakha(each of his body is as paripoorna has him) Today we are in deep worries as opposed to being confident about our survival and success as its all managed by GOD?  Why we have installed worry in our minds? With lots of invaders attacking us periodically looting our properties & assets Our strong laws does not allow us to crime but crime happens on us easily We cannot marry another religion girl with compromising our rules

Sarvadarshi Insights - Bhagavatha & Ganga comparison

  ग = Historical Papa(Aitihasika),  ं   = Internal Papam(Antarang) गा   = Eternal Papam(Paraloka) Ganga is most popular that we think reduces our papa when chanted even from a 100 yojana distance. But here is some thought to go beyond Ganga and see what Bhagavatha can provide us? How simple it is? Why we have to take our kids so close to Bhagavatha? Please leave any thoughts/inputs in comments. GANGA BHAGAVATHA Ganga flows from Himalayas to down to wash off papa of people who come to her Bhagavatha starts washing off papa of all people who are impacted by Kaliyuga Ganga will remove sins if you take dip Bhagavatha removes sin just by being near to it Ganga removes sins thoroughly for person praying to her Bhagavatha removes sin of person and his ancestors(Kula) Yojanana Shatairapi – as said Ganga can bring person praying from 100 yojana distance to punya phala Bhagavatha is lo

Sarvadarshi Chintana - Let our common premises give job opportunity to Madhwas

Unless we create opportunities for Madhwas, who will create it for them? Even if some one creates they expect them to convert to their siddhantha.  Presently in Matha, temple we had only flower sellers of other casts. They made money out of our investments. These days there is slight change, we are seeing few madhwa families making their life by selling some food items like Mandige, Shavige, snacks items etc.  Does this tell some story that we want to expose here? There are plenty of niche skills that our community need to focus. For this some one need to do ice breaking job to start with. Following are some rare skills for which we go for providing large benefits non-madhwas. Gorilla Glass or tamper glass fixing opportunity ( Daily transactions of around 1000-5000 thus giving salary of almost 25-30 thousands per month ). Mangalasutra repair work ( Rs. 80-120/- per repair and daily expected around 1200-2500 thus giving salary of 30-40 thousands per month ) Unique antique items that sui

Sarvadarshi Insights - Platforms - community growth - opportunities - go hand in hand

Unless you provide the platforms that are apprporiate to present or future generation, there will be not much growth of the community which directly means no opportunities within that community.   After lots of research on traditional methodologies to understand how to start something new, make it successful, and sustain it for a longer period, Westerns have created great platforms through which they could build things for the present and future generations. If you look at the investment they do is always on something that promises future success. While looking from past and present angles it looks wrong decision and also a waste of effort but that happens only for those who are not ready for the future at all. Where our community is falling backward today? No schools, hostels, PG, hospitals built No platforms for the upbringing of kids No platform built for training someone who wants to get into sanatana dharma No investment in IT services to keep a database of community, communicatio

Sarvadarshi Insights - Spread of Dharmik Extra activities needed in tier 2-3-4 cities

The metro cities of India are seeing lots and lots of Dharmik attachments and Madhwa generations are building multiple skills to live life the way they want. While most prefer to study in good schools and colleges the admissions of Madhwa population into govt schools is around 1% while 99% in private schools.  Smart parents prepare themselves very well to provide various platforms through which kids can study and learn many skills through which they can survive. Thus providing them opportunities in sports, Yoga, Sangeetha, art, and many more platforms. This increases the cost of living and demands more earnings.  These skill learning also opens up opportunities for someone to start a new venture where they are good at or feeds their life. Thus creating job opportunities.  The trend of teaching Yoga, Sangeetha, Bharata Natya, and many skills today are seen on a large scale in western countries and also in most metro cities in India. In tier 2-3-4 cities it mostly does not get that impor

Sarvadarshi Insights - Characteristics of non performing people around you

  It is important to know what Kaam-Chor people look like(people who don't perform) Many times though you form a large group things do not take shape into execution. Even though lots of discussions, many insights, thoughts come together but work never starts which creates intended impacts. Wondering why this happens? Following are some characteristics of people who defeat the purpose of the group because of which execution never happens: People who gather for showing their strengths rather trying to solve problems People who gather to gain some benefit personally out of the situation(name, fame at least) They behave like decision-makers by just pointing some thoughts around the group Keep discussions on right-wrong rather than choosing the right things to do People who without any selection by group act like group heads, owners, authorities(if not they will tell they know internally high-end decision-makers, saints, pandits, etc) People who just gather to add more and more problem

Sarvadarshi Insights - Karmayoga of Universe

If you join an organization, the organization puts in writing how you should work, what his/her work ethic and how you need to take care of diversity, and many more things. These are drafted, reviewed, and approved by the highest authority in the organization and keep getting revised & approved by the again highest authority if time to time.   We appreciate and accept organization work ethics put by & approved by highest authority though we are not really sold to them or we are under their control as human being. If this is true, then who has written the Work ethics for the universe as an organization? Who is the supreme who has written it? If we get answers to these 2 questions we can even tell who is supreme GOD and also what is the Work Ethics of the universe.  Not only that you can also tell who cares the most about "the universal belonging". By this time you might have got an answer but here is the truth: None other than Lord Krishna/Vishnu/Narayana is supreme GO

Sarvadarshi Insights - What is the festival?

   What is the festival? If any JNANI takes birth on earth that itself is called FESTIVAL(Habba). That is why in Sanatana dharma one does not celebrate the birthday so grand. As we should celebrate the birthday of JNANIGALU. So are we not JNANI? You may be but the JNANI is the one who worships superior souls thus reach to supreme Lord. Hence we do Aradhana, Jayanthi, and many events to remember JANIGALU and worship through them the LORD Vishnu. Refer to: birthday topic below. Hence, Sri Vijayadasaru says in their "Ninna volumeyinda nikhila..." song that "habbavanundeno hariye". Means being with JNANIGALU or being part of Jayanthi, vardhanthi, seeing Madhwa brahmins, seeing pandits, meeting those saints who are doing Lord pooja is great HABBA or festival to eye & soul. Also, if some JNANA is acquired by our mind then that itself is a great celebration to ourselves. We should avoid wrong celebrations like mother's day, fathers day, valentine's day and many

Sarvadarshi Insights

  Sarvadarshi Tarang 23-09-2021 "One should refer nirnaya provided by Marichi Maharshi on this. East facing would increase health, north would increase wealth, west facing cause unhappiness, south facing would be badluck. So it implies that one should face it to east or north always."