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Showing posts with the label small jobs

Sarvadarshi Chintana - Let our common premises give job opportunity to Madhwas

Unless we create opportunities for Madhwas, who will create it for them? Even if some one creates they expect them to convert to their siddhantha.  Presently in Matha, temple we had only flower sellers of other casts. They made money out of our investments. These days there is slight change, we are seeing few madhwa families making their life by selling some food items like Mandige, Shavige, snacks items etc.  Does this tell some story that we want to expose here? There are plenty of niche skills that our community need to focus. For this some one need to do ice breaking job to start with. Following are some rare skills for which we go for providing large benefits non-madhwas. Gorilla Glass or tamper glass fixing opportunity ( Daily transactions of around 1000-5000 thus giving salary of almost 25-30 thousands per month ). Mangalasutra repair work ( Rs. 80-120/- per repair and daily expected around 1200-2500 thus giving salary of 30-40 thousands per month ) Unique antique items that sui