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Nava Vidha Bhakti

|| Shravanam Kirtanam Vishnoh Smaranam Paadasevanam Archanam Vandanam Daasyam Sakhyam Aatmanivedanam || The above sloka is told by Pralhad Rajaru, one of the greatest devotees for whose protection Lord Vishnu came in Narasimha Avatar. As per the above sloka there 9 types of Bhakti 1. Shravanam – Hearing the names and glories of the Lord Shravanam generally means hearing about Leelas or the greatness of God with great interest. So if you are a person with great interest in Ramayan, Mahabharat, Puranas, etc then this is the best way for you. If your friends talk about GOD and his leelas then they are good friends helping you with Shravanam Sadhana. Dasaru are too much Poojaniya because they sang many songs for us to listen and do Shravana Bhakti.  It is better to practice GOOD than opposing BAD. If you want a true leader in Shravanam Bhakti - its Parikshitha Maharaja who knew his death is just 7 days away and being King anything he can enjoy but he devoted all his last days t