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Showing posts with the label thoughts

Sarvadarshi Insights - Thoughts move from mind to minds

  Have you ever thought, what happens to the idea that came to your mind and you just ignored it? It happens many a time that we raise our voice when some one demonstrates somethings and you start saying "oh it was my idea also, long back only i thought about it etc". Then, how come in the world others also get same idea? What is idea? Ideas are collection of solution oriented steps that arrive after some one aquires power of thinking. When thoughts mature and starts finding common things between many thoughts collected in mind trigger ideas. The supreme GOD is the power behind ideas. He makes us capable of dreaming, collecting and ideating... Why we ignore ideas? Its our in ability that makes idea to be ignored. Remember, ideas never get killed but rather they are ignored by an individual chetana. Like how kid cannot consume a roti(hard food), in the same way not prepared person ignores ideas. Basically Idea has following approaches Idea generation Idea growth Idea preparati

Benefits of having Lord with you than praying for something else!

Author: Smt. Harini Pagadal  Before the Kurukshetra war, both Arjuna and Duryodhana approached Lord Sri Krishna for help. The Supreme Lord was in Yoga Nidra. With great devotion, Arjuna sat near his feet. On the other hand, affected by his ego Duryodhana sat near The Supreme Lord's head.  After waking up The Supreme Lord initially saw Arjuna since he was near his feet. Then The Supreme Lord greeted Arjuna and asked about his well-being. But Duryodhana could not bear it. As he was sitting near the head of The Supreme Lord he was left unnoticed. Therefore Duryodhana tried hard to grab Lord Sri Krishna's attention. But Lord Sri Krishna only after finishing his conversation with Arjuna turned towards Duryodhana. Then, Duryodhana unfolded his query. " O ! Krishna!  You know the reason for our arrival. We both are your relatives. You very well know that a war is on the verge of breaking out between the two of us. So, without any partiality, you should support both of us" as