Author: Smt. Harini Pagadal
Before the Kurukshetra war, both Arjuna and Duryodhana approached Lord Sri Krishna for help. The Supreme Lord was in Yoga Nidra. With great devotion, Arjuna sat near his feet. On the other hand, affected by his ego Duryodhana sat near The Supreme Lord's head. After waking up The Supreme Lord initially saw Arjuna since he was near his feet. Then The Supreme Lord greeted Arjuna and asked about his well-being. But Duryodhana could not bear it. As he was sitting near the head of The Supreme Lord he was left unnoticed. Therefore Duryodhana tried hard to grab Lord Sri Krishna's attention. But Lord Sri Krishna only after finishing his conversation with Arjuna turned towards Duryodhana. Then, Duryodhana unfolded his query. " O ! Krishna! You know the reason for our arrival. We both are your relatives. You very well know that a war is on the verge of breaking out between the two of us. So, without any partiality, you should support both of us" asked Duryodhana. Lord Sri Krishna thought for a second. Then he told "Duryodhana! Arjuna! Of course, you both are my relatives. I will definitely help you both. My complete army, with all weapons and astras will be on one side and I will be on the other side. Also, I will be unarmed and will not combat in the war. Those who choose me will only get my presence. So, without any dispute, you both can choose as per your desire. " This was the condition put forth by The Supreme Lord Sri Krishna. Hearing to this Duryodhana thought for a while. But Arjuna was clear from the beginning. He wanted Lord Sri Krishna. Duryodhana chose to go with the army and weapons. He also felt satisfied with his choice. On the other hand, Arjuna relied on Sri Krishna. So, Lord Sri Krishna stood with Arjuna. The great Kurukshetra war occurred. As we all know, Arjuna's side(Pandavas) who had Lord Krishna with them won the war. This shows us that 'what is stable is The Supreme Lord and not the ones which we get from him'. Hence we should ask for The Supreme Lord to be with us because when The Supreme Lord is on our side there can never be an obstacle.
करस्थदेवस्य कुतोन्तरायः ||
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