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Showing posts with the label nava vidha dwesha

Sarvadarshi Insights - Nava vidha Dwesha in GOD

जीवाभेदो निर्गुणत्वमपूर्णगुणता तथा |  सम्याधिक्ये तदन्येषां भेदस्तद्गत एव च प्रादुर्भाव विपर्यास स्तद्भक्तद्वेष एव च |  तत्प्रमाणस्य निंदा च द्वेषा येतेखिला मता: ||  (Mahabharath Tatparya Nirnaya Adhya-1 sloka 109 ) Like the way how we do Nava-vidha Bhakti (  Nava Vidha Bhakti (  there are Nava-vidha Dwesha one does knowingly or unknowingly. Hatred is an acid that kills self more than the one whom we hate. If you respect yourself more then stop hating others.  What are those 9 types of hate: Saying there is no difference between I & GOD and all one and same. Thinking Nirguna quality in GOD Thinking GOD Gunas(Qualities) as not pure or complete Thinking Brahma and self as same Thinking Brahma and other Devathas as supreme than GOD Thinking GOD different Avataras are different and are of varied qualities Thinking GOD has birth and death ( Janan-Maran)  Hating Vishnu Bhaktas Hating Shastra that teaches Vishnu Sarvottamatwa In many ways, modern life influe