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Sarvadarshi Insights - Are you prepared for worst financial situations?


There are only few milking cows in our community, how much you will extract from them? Why are you in hurry to milk more for not urgent needs

You must be reading breaking news daily, you know how Russia & Ukraine has caused lots of financial damages to many countries! Also, our neighbor countries like Pakistan & Sri Lanka now under fire. The situation is more worst than 2019-2021 Covid crisis. You may wonder 4-5 states in India are worst performing with GDP & DEBT, soon they will be under trouble. So, as Madhwas are we planned to manage financial crisis? Today we dont have any central funds, dont have social support also dont have any backup. So have you thought?

Give size of our community and considering experience that we had during Covid-19 pandemic we found following
  • There are only few rich class people who donate for large impacts
  • Small donations platforms like Satkarta Seva Association etc suffer from people not making name/fame and also Matha-bhedha issues.
  • Crowd funding platforms are new and there is no institution that endorse its good approaches.
  • Most of the poverty people dont have BPL card
  • No one is prepared with medical insurance, health insurance and also scholarship awareness.
  • There is no big scholarship schemes which can help top talents to get education fearlessly with full funding.
  • Though there are many Gurukula started by social reformers and think tanks. Gurukula also suffer as not much donors, not many parents willing to admit kids even though quality of education is much higher.
So, we have really think where should be pool the money for future? Think ( by Hari-Vayu-Guruguala blessings we should not face what Sri Lanka etc facing ) how best we can do things better to survive in much better ways so that all can follow Madhwa Tatwa.

Here are some pointers from us
  •  Stop fund collections for renovations, new constructions [Unless critical condition of the building] 
  • Reduce number of events that are done as money mostly goes outside community and does not give any opportunity to community people to earn or get regular salary
  • Motivate people to get insurance and health coverage of whatever amount it could be
  • Matha-temple should proceed for group insurance for their all followers by making them members of association and pay 80-20% rule or 50-50% rule etc
  • Encourage people to save money, not to spending too much on mobile phones, TV and luxury items.
  • For education let parents be ready to help any social platforms in their free time and seek help rather just showing their bare hands and saying "I am madhwa no one is helping me".
  • Lets create good job opportunities within community
Financial experts are alarming on all bad financial situations across the world, so consider that is a GOD's message only to be alert and do much better as society.


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