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Sarvadarshi Insight - Your Social Media is like open Window of your house

How about putting eating some cake on Whatsapp status on Ekadashi? Sounds great right and you are doing something unique and really lots of people appreciate being so great and modern!!!

This is what our crazy thinking is while putting a status on social media. But it's like an act of cutting the tree branch on which you are sitting.

  1. Today billions of people have smartphones (iPhones as well), visit different countries, have all fun activities, eat everything that is grown or grows across the world.
  2. Have their big cars, big office, watch, shoes, smart restrooms as well.
To whom we are flashing our crazy growth? Who appreciates when most corner village labor has smartphone and watches T20 online....? for whom you are celebrating status, birthday, party, filmy lifestyle, filmy dressing, filmy style marriages???

Sharing personal secrets, doing random activities (without knowing Artificial Intelligence and future plans of Facebook tracking it for their advertisement platform, etc ), sharing personal pics, sharing family pics, showing your trips, routes, family, friendship... are disasters that you only creating.

Social media applications viz whatsapp, facebook, instagram are like an open window into your house. You only let your personal stuffs visible to the world now. Yourself you build your negative brand value, you demolish your brand with thoughtless works or ignorance. Stay away from social 

Few people are also killing Madhwa Brand just by putting their status without knowing its impact. For sure with WhatsApp status, there is no POSITIVE impact on society but there is negative to self or society many times.

Whether we follow our religion, ritual, or spirit of the nation but its a common sense to know that we should not damage the brand. We have an identity just because we are MADHWAS and we have an identity because we are born brahmins, we have an identity because our practices are special and have more purposes. If we close that brand then we don't have an identity. We are one among billions who don't have any credibility of their own.

What is damaging our brand?

  1. Our too many partying practices and putting pics on Facebook, Whatsapp (it is your person though ).
  2. Cutting cakes as if it was our born right without which we never existed
  3. Eating NISHIDDA food items and putting a status on social media (You can eat what you want as it's again personal choice but find out what is necessary to put and ask a question why you have to put it - whats the outcome or benefit of it? or at least what is so special about it which no one has done it?)
  4. Putting pics of eating on Ekadashi
  5. Talking negatively about others always instead of doing good stuff or supporting 1000 of good things happening within the community.
  6. Blaming each other if someone is practicing something (Not support for positive changes in people even though if they have come from the wrong background or history)
  7. Blaming for others not helping as if it's others' responsibility to deliver service to the doorstep!

Where we should go from here?
  1. Let us create a positive brand of ourselves so that we exist as an entity that has great values given to the world
  2. Respect each other and bring positive changes
  3. Don't try to change others in a day by pressure rather learn from our ancestors how did they do it
  4. Don't waste your time on SOCIAL MEDIA (as neither you take business benefit of it as others, nor do people appreciate what you are doing)
  5. Kindly don't put you eating NISHIDDA food items ( as billions of people eat them so you are not unique). 
  6. Stop showing your patriotism in words rather be kind enough to act in small or join hands with others who are doing good stuff
  7. Stop following movie stars, cricket stars (most of them are for-profit purposes and not really working towards society or nation). They are the ones who are creating a divide, wrong propaganda, wrong suggestions on health, lifestyle(for benefitting the products or brands)
  8. Trust in your core values, core thoughts. 
  9. Spend time learning and doing good stuff.


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