During daily pooja it's important to offer Naivedya to GOD. Again like how we did chintana of Pushpa samarpana last time, we should do external and internal naivedya samarpana daily. One should offer all Baksha, Bhojya, phala to the lord. Along with that whatever we eat on that day should be submitted in advance as VISHNUPOOJA It is also important to remember all good fruits - well-ripened and in good condition and milk, curds, buttermilk, panaka, and all items that you love in life ( satvik items ). Thus one can do further chintana as the Lord in Shaligrama, items, food, taste in food, the smell of food, the energy of food, the medicinal value of food and bimba moorthy all are same. Every external item gets into the body and fits wherever it has GOD's that roopa in the body. That is really a merging act or Aikyate chintane. Every item should be submitted through Sri Mahalaxmi only.