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Sarvadarshi - Health Bytes

Sarvadarshi Tarang provides information that helps people to live happily and devotionally lead a life better.

  1. Breast Cancer shifts to lower ages in ladies
  2. Schools open and Covid impact - know how to manage it

Covid Management

Date: 22-10-2021
Prevention is better than cure. Not using learnings that we got during 2019-2020 is SIN

Many countries like China, Russia, and Europe started seeing a surge in covid cases again after they got schools and offices opened up. This is an alarm for India too where we recently claimed 100 Crore vaccinations. But we cannot ignore anything when it comes to health. 

We all have fought the battle for 2 years and lost near and dear ones as well. We also got too many learnings in life in 2019 and 2020

  • Washing hands frequently
  • Don't eat things directly from outside
  • Wear a mask or protect from others coughs and infections
  • Maintain distance from each other
  • Do Namaste vs. handshake
  • Have a proper healthy diet
  • Have good sleep
  • Do Yoga and mental stress relief exercises 
India is gifted with AYURVEDA that is directly given to us by GOD. No chemicals, no added flavours and no tweaking with research(sponsored research by Pharma companies).

Here are a few good things to have at home.

1. Consult doctor always is we are not doctors
2. Self-medication is not good

  • Mahasudarshana Kada ( fever control for adults )
  • Armitarista ( fever control for kids )
  • Kashaya ( many types )
  • Samatwa tablets from Dr. Giridhar Kaje
  • Chavanaprash for kids and for adults with Kesar
  • Mask and gloves
  • Hand sanitisers
  • Gargling mouth with water multiple times or as and when needed

Breast Cancer

Date: 21-10-2021

Over the years it has been observed that more young women are reporting breast cancer. The average age of patients with breast cancer has shifted from 40-70 years to 30-50 years. Over the last few years, we are also seeing incidence among women in 20-30 years and this cancer in the young age is more aggressive,” C. Ramachandra, Kidwai Director, told The Hindu on Wednesday. October is observed as breast cancer awareness month.

What's happening?

  1. We started consuming milk that is produced by cows that are hormones injected to produce more milk. So where do these hormones go into our body? Our consumption of milk and its products like Ice Create, Cheese, Butter, Tea/Coffee/Milk Drinks(all are processed even further to include more chemicals)
  2. Ladies are coming under tremendous stress at work and home due to lots of aspirations piling up and peer pressure. Many ladies are leading into situations of neither success in family or professional life as well.
  3. Reduced physical work
  4. Reduced milking to kids ( many working women & even house makers choose to feed outside milk than mother milk due to work requirements ). Causing no consumption of produced milk in the body and leading to other problems.


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