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Chintana - GOD gives you what opt for



Sri Hari is the one who gives us what we opt for

Esu Kayangala kaledu 84 laksha Jeevarashiyannu dati banda ee sharira... as the Dasara song goes, we get many births and as different creatures of the universe. While as humans we walk, talk, dream, create, destroy, and as snails, we hold our own bone mesh on flesh and drag our body through our stomach...

Wondering, why snail does like that? why snail has to carry its own bone mesh on its flesh body and drag through stomach? This is one of our own JANMA which GOD blessed after we showed our inclination towards such act. 

  1. We kept aside our swadharma, Karma and kept on feeding tummy with ashudha aahara
  2. Through our paap karma we became heavy on soft/satwik people and thus carry a weight of us to make others suffer.
  3. During chaturmasa, devara pooja, guru-hirayara aaradhana we kept on sleeping
While these above causes might have happened in AJNANA(without pure intentions ) but,
  1. We blame like 'why the hell we became brahmins to do such pooja, dev karma etc' so GOD says tathastu bless you, child, to be away from it. And always there are 2 sides for things like GOD-BAD, Dharma-Adharma. So definitely you need to non-madhwa or non-human to be enjoying what you asked for.
  2. We called pooja, sandhyavandana, patha, pravachan as WASTE OF TIME so GOD says tathastu bless you, child, to spend time on politics, cricket, movie stars, spend time with your pets, spend time with people who make friends for doing their business through you...
  3. We appreciated western culture while calling our culture 'blind belief' so GOD says tathastu my child I bless you to follow western culture where you dress up like western, eat like western, cut cake-like western (well-tested belief with scientific proof). All friends around you are think tanks and you are innovators. You borrowed western diseases, medicines, issues...
  4. We curse a non-working son doing parents seva as 'dumb fellow wasting life' god blessed by making our child not to even care about us. That is what you felt SON should have done right? GOD gave you all money, wealth, big house but old age like a prison without anyone caring and near.
  5. We blamed Ayurveda that made birth, death with our own strength and got attracted with medical research and cursed our own medicine(Dhanvantari) as old thought. God blessed to have a child with surgery, death in ICU(no clue when died until good bill made out of dead).
Like this list goes on... 
That is why its believed everywhere that think positive. Appreciate what you have, be satisfied with what GOD has given. Else GOD will bless you another life through which you enjoy the way how you opted.

 Never blame this strong MADHWA tatwa else your soul will suffer in this or next life in other janma and surely you will have complained to your next GOD as well...


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