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Jnana Vairagya Guru Sri 1008 Sri Vedesh Teertharu

Ref: Sri Vedesh Teertharu & Their Shishya Parampara(Kannada Book) by Sri Vyasanakere Prabhanjanachar

Ref: Sri Hari Guru Sthavana Mala(Kannada Book) by Sri Madhav Kulkarni(Mannur)

Ref: Mannur: Mannur Brindavan photos of Sri Vedesh Teertharu and Madhav Teertharu (

Most of us know Sri Yadavaryaru and their panditya. Their panditya and tapas has astonished the world of Satwik and even people who don't believe in GOD.  Lord Sri Hari himself gifted food items to Sri Yadavaryaru when they had doubts on sloka that proves GOD gives things that is needed if we pray in GOD.

Sri Yadavaryaru is a GIFT by Sri 1008 Sri Vedesh Teertharu.

Sri Vedesh Teertharu is known to be Maha-vairagya shikhamanigalu and also one who deserved their life for paatha, pravachana, bringing up human-scholars as assets to this world. There is a large shishya-parampara built by Sri Vedesh Teertharu. They did peetha tyaga(Giving up on Peetha) just for providing knowledge to their poorvashrama brother Sri Yadavaryaru. Else we would have never got such great adhyatma guru in this world.

In their poorvashrama, they were known as Sheenappa Nayaka(by profession gold sellers) who used to follow his father in selling gold and gold items. But later they found the real golden path of life to worship GOD and share that with everyone on this earth.

Sri Vedesh Teertharu got sanyasatwa from Sri 1008 Sri Raghuttam Teertharu of Tirukoivlur. Sri Raghuttama Teertharu used to visit Mannur several times for few reasons:

  1. Mannur was place of pandits ( Mani-pura )
  2. Mannur was placed blessed by Sri Chenna Keshava ( Dhruvaraja Kararchita )
  3. Mannur was also blessed by Sri 1008 Sri Madhav Teerharu ( direct shishya of Sri Madhwacharyaru )
  4. Probably - to find their next peethadhipati or discover Sri Vedesh Teertharu for Satwik world.
Sri Vedesh Teertharu of Mannur dedicated their balya also with lots of satwik work, liked shastra a lot than selling GOLD.

  1. Chandogyabhashya Teeka
  2. Kathakabhashya Teeka
  3. Talavakaarbhashya Teeka
  4. Vishnu Tatwa Nirnaya Teeka & Tippani
  5. Pramanlaxhana Teeka & Tippani
  6. Tatvodyotha  Teeka & Tippani
  7. Kathalaxan  Teeka & Tippani
  8. Pramanpadhathi Tippani
  9. Sandesha sar slokas
Thus they did Shastriya Seva(Most liked one by gurugalu) of Sri Madhwacharyaru & Sri Teekarayaru / Sri Jayateertharu

A great message by Sri vedesh Teertharu to their shishya Sri Yadavaryaru ( hence its for every one of us ).
Vedesh teerth gururaj durandharosou  swatmaprayana samaye yadashikshayanmam | Kaaloyameersutashastra vicharheenah heenotraya: grasitsadhugunodayasch tasmat twamadhya marutatmajadivyashastr vyakhyaanmev satatam kuru matyajeti ||
ವೇದೇಶತೀರ್ಥ ಗುರುರಾಜಧುರಂದರೋಸೌ ಸ್ವಾತ್ಮಪ್ರಯಾಣಸಮಯೆ ಯಡಶಿಕ್ಷಯನ್ಮಮಾಮ್ ।
ಕಾಲೊಯಮೀರಸುತಶಾಸ್ತ್ರ ವಿಚಾರಹೀನ: ಹೀನೋತ್ರಯ: ಗ್ರಸಿತ್ಸಾಧುಗುಣೋದಯಶ್ಚ ತಸ್ಮಾತ್ ತ್ವಮಧ್ಯ ಮರುದಾತ್ಮಜದಿವ್ಯಶಾಸ್ತ್ರ ವ್ಯಾಖ್ಯಾನಮೇವಸತತ೦ ಕುರುಮಾತ್ಯಜೇತಿ ।। 



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