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Sarvadarshi Insights - Mahabharata Tatparya Nirnaya

'Lord Srihari is called as येधमानद्विट because he is the one who will remove extra Punya if earned even by Devatas. Sometime Devatas will do extra punya beyond their scope/kaksha. When this happens GOD will level it back to their kaksha or scope by removing it through ways that he only defines which will cause welfare of society.

During Tretayuga Laxmana does lots of seva of lord Rama directly. He goes above and beyond during Vana-vasa in doing his seva and satkarma towards lord Rama. This earns him lots of Punya for him. In next yuga(Dwapara) lord makes him elder brother Balarama. In Dwapara Balaram Devaru cannot do namaskara to Lord Krishna and also some time gets feelings of being elder to Krishna. Thus loosing extra punya earning. 

Why GOD has to do like this? Let they earn more and enjoy more earning ?

Earning more or less everything leads to KARMA next to Yogyajeevis. Thus it makes late for their Mukti(Salvation) hence GOD with lots of his mercy towards them makes them attain Mukti on time. For Tamojeevis he will make them earn SINS faster so that they can go to Tamassu ontime ( no delay in sending them too ).. thus Lord guarantees that his KAALA definition stands good.

Then why some one need to do more punyakarma

It is tough for anyone to judge what type of Jeevi they are (Yogya, Tamo, Manushya). One cannot simply define it by birth and also by what they are doing at present. Hence its always good to put effort in right direction(mostly Tamojeevi automatically does paap karma without push - but applies to Yogya, Manushya jeevis as doing good is toughest than doing bad). Hence one need to keep doing good karmas and submit to GOD. If one is not that Yogya GOD will automatically nullify it so its taken care.

Hari Sarvottama-Vayu Jeevottama

Question comes as what does really Mahabharata trying to prove? Does it explain about Duryodhana etc or Pandavas or about Bheesma or about fight? What really its trying to explain?

Here are few rationale to use and then come to conclusion.

  • Any grantha that starts and ends with something or a subject then that is the core intention
  • Whom the Grantha starts praising while starting
  • What is the Mangalacharana sloka

Today many books, movies, stories follow this pattern. They start with hero and end story with hero. 

Mahabharata 1st sloka itself is "Narayana suragurum Jagadeka natham..." thus proving that its going to explain you about Narayana, Krishna, Vishnu as supreme subject of the story. Hence supreme of the universe. Every instance in Mahabharata put Krishna into requirement and makes us think 'How krishna will solve this' ... People expect only supreme lord to solve problems, protect good people, punish bad people. Hence it talks mainly about Lord Vishnu/Krishna as Sarvottama.


From Jnana, virage, hari-bhakti, shakti, smartness examples of the story its Bheema who was only one who truly worshiped, followed Krishna. Also, he is the only strong person because he only killed all 100 kauravas while Arjuna fought with all others. So when you put all jeevas in comparison through lense of mahabharatha its only BHEEMA who was Jeevottama.

Hence Madhwa matha also strongly believes in Hari Sarvottama, Vayu jeevottama.

Thus overall Mahabharata and Tatparya Nirynaya by Acharyaru proves its main subject is Hari Sarvottama and Vayu jeevottama.

Who is called as strong man?

In a war between two countries both sides people who fight are from army. Both are strong and both are trained well to hit at enemies. Then why we always use word 'Army' and 'Enemy' ?

Simple answer to that is: 'One who is fighting for our country is Army and against is enemy'.
In the same way in Mahabharata people who fought for Hastinapur, Manukula, law & order, humanity and also for lord Krishna form the army. All others are enemies. Many books & authors write stories around Duryodhana etc as strong people. Yes they are strong but its only one angle of looking into the personality to claim strong. One cannot become army person if they have 6-pack body ( if that was true then all our film start would have been quickly appointed in army to protect country - funny right???). 

So what is the deinition of strong Man?

यो  या एव बलजेस्ट: क्षत्रियेषु स उत्तम : |
अंगम चेद्विष्णुकार्येषु तद्भक्तैव न चान्यथा ||

 In Kshatriyas the one who is strongest is considered as great by default. But this strongness should be towards Vishnu karya(good work towards society) then only its great. Else its curse. If bad people are strong then society gets bad fruits and suffers. If good people become strong then society enjoys life.


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