Damodara - Dam=cord, Udara=stomach, Lord when he was tied with a rope around his waist.
God gives the message that one who is fasting and praying to me will stay there for them. Our daily pooja, chintana, and Bhakti all have to start when we are still fasting to get real benefits. Hari kathamrutasara says "damodarana Nene Dina Dinadi" meaning worship Damodara daily. One who has control over his/her tummy that is fed daily will get GOD inside him. Hence it is said 1-time eater is YOGI, the 2-time eater is BHOGI, 3 times eater is ROGI and the 4-time eater is called "Hottukondu Hogi(means lift their body)".
Please read below information about Lord Damodara.
Damodar is one of the most wonderful expressions to address Lord Krishna. The literal translation of the term is the one with a rope tied around his belly. There is an interesting episode in the Bhagavata that can illustrate why Krishna got the name Damodhar.
The pranks, mischievous plays and miracles that let unfold on the sands of Vrindavan are limitless and a matter of contemplation and enjoyment for generations. They have in fact become the source for a lot of literature to develop and sing the glory of Sri Krishna. The name Damodar ensues from one such divine play of Krishna.
Once Mother Yasoda was feeding Lord Krishna. As the boiling milk was overflowing at that time, she had gone hurriedly to remove the milk pot from the oven. Krishna was annoyed at this as she had left the feeding process in between on her new task. Therefore, Krishna wanted to convey to her his disappointment through a prank.
Krishna took a stone and struck a curd pot letting the curd flow out in streams. Yashoda was peeved at this and therefore wanted to catch hold of Krishna and punish him for the mischief. She searched for Krishna and finally found him sitting on a big wooden case and feeding monkeys with the butter collected from the home. This angered Yoshoda further.
Yashoda ran behind Krishna who was very swift escaping from place to place. Finally Krishna wanted to relieve Yashoda's aching legs and therefore voluntarily got caught. Yashoda now wanted to strike Krishna with a cane she was carrying. Seeing the beautiful Krishna bursting into tears rubbing his eyes with his little fist, Yashoda was moved and gave up the idea to beat him.
However, she looked for an alternative punishment. She took a long rope and tied one end of it to a dumb bell shaped stone mill. The other end of it, she wanted to tie around Krishna's waist. The rope proved smaller by a few inches. Any number of ropes miraculously proved shorter and could not suffice tying Krishna. Finally Krishna accepted the task and tied himself. This incident got the wonderful name 'Damodar' to Krishna.
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