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29th Madhwa Tatwajnana Sammelana Day - 04

Day 04 in Hubli Srinivas garden started the event with talks from "Vaidyo Narayano Harihi". The panel was composed of very strong medical practioners of allopathy,  Ayurveda. Dr. G. B Sattur, Dr. V G Nadagouda, Dr. Giridhar Kaje, Dr. Anirudha Kulkarni.

Pic Dr. Amit Vikram

Modern and traditional medical practices:

The discussions were around Sadhaka-Badhaka of medical practices. While speaking doctors addressed a open questions that usually common persons have in their mind as "why treatment are costly, why doctors are not good". In simple language its due to doctors not running the hospital. Doctors want ways to treat and cure patients but the hospitals are built by different background people for whom its important to run it as business and run with profit. Ayurveda has been always in importance of Indian history. Lack of study and lack of interest in Ayurveda has landed everyone into emergency which drags them into Allopathy today. While Ayurveda has lots of ways to address emergencies very well. But Ayurveda always gave importance to avoid emergency with its 5 food habits, 5 good habits. Dr. Giridhar Kaje said one should learn about themselves to discover what is right food and habit for their body vs. what others consume. As an example an orthopedic patient if eats more apple can get more pains as the content of the apple causes vaata. Dr. Amit Vikram who works in radiology and is a pandit by studies quoted that we are in evolving medical practices and hence needs more attention in research and correct medical practices. Also, said it important to keep all medical practices evolving and used for the benefit of mankind while accepting Ayurveda is mother of all practices.

Dasa Sahitya:

Wonderful elder panel of Dr. Krishna Kolhar Kulkarni, Vidwan Venkatanarasimhachar Gudebellur, Pt. Venugopalachary Agnihotri.  Krishna Kolhar kulkarni really explained very well about Sri Mahipati Dasaru of Kakhandaki and how they created Madhwa wealth of knowledge though before that they were like Finance Minister to the King. Further Agnihotri acharya provided really nice song snippets from each of the Dasaru starting from Vyasarajaru, Sripadarajaru and all other dasaru as how did they see Acharya Madhwa. It was very clear that most of the Dasaru provided Hanuma-Bheema-Madhwa avatara details in one or other forms thus concluding in dasa sahitya that Madhwaru is none other than Vayudevaru. The biggest contribution of dasa sahitya is they reached door to door to publish madhwa thoughts. This is how madhwa thoughts are needed to reach to public today as well. To attract young to dharma this is one of the biggest ways.

Nrutyaroopaka ( Anandteerth Yanam ): 

This was really best exhibited cultural program. The theme of this dance program was to explain life story of Acharya Madhwaru. The approach and co-ordination and preparation to present it to the accuracy was really appreciated by audience. 

Vidwat Ghosti on Gurkula: 

This is most important topic today every parent is interested. While we have damaged Gurukulas long back and now getting them back. Its a struggle once again. Most of the parents have accepted modern education system and also adjusted to missionaries style schools. While its being costly, out of culture, always away from dharma, not only that the quality of outcome is not as per the expectations and not value for money. Most of the schools are business today and run with final goal of making profits. While many grurukula getting started but they still are in early stage, not having funding models, not getting required social support but are been run produdly by people who really want to care for society. Such gurukulas can grown in future and adopt most madhwas kids then bringing the young back to dharma become most easy. In the panel eminent scholars spoke about such education system and its advantages and disadvantages in today and tomorrows. 

Whatever could be the reason the development and support for Gurukula system should progress well and it should establish a great ethical scholars as outcome to the modern world too. While India is not just great country from exports, agriculture or software but also Vishwa-Guru.

Sri Gururaj Karajagi threw light on lots of topics in short period of time and attracted attention of the crowd toward - how others follow dharma and how its possible for them and why not from madhwas.

Yuva Ghosti:

The panel comprised of Madhav Kulkarni (AGM - HCL Software), Raghuveer Desai (Manager - Honeywell ), Sri Anantkrishna Karant, Vid. Malagi Bheemashenacharya. The most important topic of the modern India. While there were lots of talks in last 4 days around the way how young behaves and does not want dharma etc, this panel focused on how to attract them towards Dharma. Madhav Kulkarni provided outside in perspective from software industry. In software industry as well today its tough to attract young talents unless you meet their criteria of being what they expect a company to be, what they expect company culture tobe and what they expect work or technology, while same thoughts were not there around 20 years back as people just wanted a job. He also quoted beautiful meaning for "Lalayet Panchavarshani" a popular subhashit which gives a good framework for parents to put their kids on right track before time is out of their control. He also quoted that young are willing to move towards dharma but the system we have today at home, matha, temple are real blockers. These blockers once removed it should make inflow of young towards Dharma. While Sri Raghuveer Desai focused on providing research data on statistics and emergency in the Madhwas to attend Youth, Gurukula etc. If we dont focus then we dont have youth in coming days. Sri Sameeranachar Kanthapalli focused on explaining their experience as youth how they got attracted by Pujya Vishwesha teerth swamiji as an example. Sri Anantkrishna spoke really nice in providing definitions and meaning of what do we mean by Dharma, what is young generation means and how they should be attracted. Overall Yuva Ghosti was most desired topic of the day and most appreciated by attendees. 

The young generation needs "clarity in personality", they are not attracted by money, free food, gifts etc rather they are attracted by our true attitude of the personality that we belong to. They want saints to be saints, gurus to be gurus and matha/temple to be real Dharmika centers than just bhojanashala or jatras.



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