Sri Anantacharya Balacharya Katageri ( Katageri Dasaru ). Sri Anatacharya Katageri(hence called as Katageri Dasaru), is a real Madhwa Sadhakaru. The Madhwa Tatwa says, we are born to do Adhyayana, Adhyapana, and spreading Vishnu Sarvottamatwa and Vayu Jeevotamatwa. Along with that make positive difference to as many lives as possible through our wisdom or ability that GOD has given to us. They are from a place called as Katageri of Bagalkot district. Link from Google Map Their songs - Song Collections Katageri Dasaru spend 80+ years in learning, sharing and building Dasa Sahitya in many students. They rode the bicycle to go to house from house to teach Dasa padagalu to kids & young. This is not simply possible by everyone as people expect return on their efforts. But, Dasaru did niswartha seva by not expecting anything from anyone but expected GOD to give energy to keep making difference. Their voice is one unique and always pleasing to convert any confusions of mi...