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Sarvadarshi Chintana : Certified Atte-Mava

Does not this sounds crazy? Yes, as we grow and new generations come in there builds lots of gaps in approach, speed and also expectations. This causes lots of hickup in the families to live together. In big organizations its called as Generation Gap management and typically they have Bridge the gap programs. Our sanathana dharma has laid foundations for living together with large generation gaps way back. But we left behind in research of it and utilization of it as time moved on. As, community has severe crisis of breakup, hatred towards having in-laws at house, tough times of managing parents one should revisit what was the foundation provided by sanathana Dharma. Our life coaches, pravachanakararu have to address this efficiently and attract people towards their approaches to train people to live together. One cannot just provide examples and stories but its time to provide 'FRAMEWORK' that executes. Many a times when I have interacted with old age people when i was kid I

Sarvadarshi Insight - Marriage is done to pay for 2 major loans

 Today marriages have lost their true meaning. This does not mean one should not bring 'makeup parlor barber to maduve mantapa' does not mean that one should not bring make marriage event for filmy style photography, dance, decorations... But marriage itself has lost its meaning. Every one is born with 2 loans in the Janma 1. Pitru Runa 2. Rushi Runa 3. Deva Runa With event like MADUVE/Marriage/Vivaha one tries to pay off Rushi and Deva runa only by marriage says Shastras. Rushi Runa is paid off by Upanayana(Upari Nayana) by reading(adhyayna), teaching(adhyapana), memorizing, and knowing meaning(anusandhana) Rushis become happy as what they love is been made as work by the men. While being in the womb one needs protection, successful growth is done through Devatas like Ashwini. How do we pay off to them? We pay to doctors, Nurse, hospitals after delivery but what out Devatas who protected us inside the womb? Also, pitru varga gave us birth, they gave protection, care and requir

Sarvadarshi Chintana - Namami Dootam Ramasya

Sri Vyasaraja Teerth has given us really a wonderful prayer to Hari-Yavu in a simple and small store called 'YANTRODHARAKA HANUMASTOTRA'. This is the one most kids learn quickly and chant daily 3 times to get all desired yogyata istha phala. For many of us when we achieve things we want our name to be attached to it even we disagree if our parent's name is taken instead of ours! But Hanumantha was happy to be called himself as 'SRI RAM DOOTA'. Encourage kids to learn and you start understanding its meaning through this book... Chanting of Yantrodharaka stotra daily 3 times gives lots of strengths to fight with laukika daily issues, enemy issues and needs but not only that it will be mukti marga darshaka as it starts with Sri Ramachandra and his Bhakta Hanuman name. Thus Hari Sarvottama and Vayu Jeevottama tatwa. Read this wonderful book available just for Rs. 50/- 

Sarvadarshi Insights - Build self image or brand

  People who have built their Brand/Image are the ones who had the following attributes Identifying self Self-confidence Core values Utilizing their strengths & skills Focused on work and problem solving Following strong path We Madhwa are so lucky that we have many examples to learn from Adhyatmika and draw sometimes laukika thoughts out of our own scholars. Our saints have shown BEST BOOK AUTHORING METHODS Our Dasaru have shown BEST SIMPLE LANGUAGE IN POETIC WAY TO TEACH Devatas stories of Arjuna, Bheeshma, Dronacharya, Hanuman - teach lots and lots of lessons Hanumantha/Hanuman:  has just shown to the world that how a brand 'Doota' itself is a great honor for one who serves his lord/Prabhu. Sri Teekarayaru/Sri Jayateertharu: In such old times when information availability, meeting other scholars, documentation of the process of analysis/writing skills were not published wrote many Granthas and established their brand identity as TEEKARAYARU & MADHWA YATIGALU.  Dasar

Sarvadarshi Insights - Core Values

  Core Values :  This is the identity of a person through the life. This is the one that reflects the personality of a person. This is the one that will help to fail, succeed or chose area of you work segment. Its at most important for anyone to find out what is their core value at all levels of age.  To your surprise you may find that kids are more smart and natural in finding their core values than adults. This is not just a recent research to believe but historically in Sanathana Dharma it has been discovered an explained. लालयेत् पंच वर्षाणि दश वर्षाणि ताडयेत्। प्राप्ते षोडशे वर्षे पुत्रे मित्रवदाचरेत्॥  Also, in kannada there is a saying "3 varushada buddhi 100 varshakke" means what kids learn at 3rd age will remain for 100th year too. So, parents not just need to earn money, get good cloths, rather give "VALUES" to kids. We had lots of techniques to give values to kids in sanathana dharma. But today we ourself in confused minds are unable to give clear values

Sarvadarshi Insight - Kannada Voice recognition software

  There are lots of hidden talents who are doing great services & sometimes when they are in the middle of you in any function you may not even find that they are such a great talent and executors on this earth. As mostly today we recognize people by advertisements, TV serials, and by their grand dressing or grand welcome. That is why many people fool you by coming in TV serials, being actors/actresses, and also by fooling you with fake followers and dressings. Please use such wonderful software and make use of it for your work as well.

Sarvadarshi Chintana - Marriage Break ups

Getting married is achievement, sustaining married life is another achievement. Many small things make a breakup in life. Both at elder side and younger side there is need of learning skills to live together, enjoy together. Breakup is not the solution for everything.But peer pressure is all cause of most issues.  While in western countries husband will be a cab driver and wife a VP in Software Industry nothing causes damage to their life together and they also found blessed with 3-4 kids a minimum.  So whats happening in India and specially in our culture unfortunately? Peer pressure of jazzy living style ( most credit goes to Facebook owned products - Bad owner like college drop out can build such products for society ). Comparative discussions and close look into each others life Unhealthy conversations on gifts(thanks to introducing GIFT concept to world by unshaven conceptual person) Parents discussions with their kids Huge dependency on husband's wealth, zero tolerance to ch

Sarvadarshi Insight - How puny arjana happens at Brahmin gathering

  Viprougha darasanath Sathya ksheeyanthe paparasaya, Vandanath mangalavaapthi, archanath achyutham padam.  Meaning: Seeing a crowd of Brahmins, the crowd of sins would fly away. If we salute them auspiciousness will come and if we worship them we will get salvation. While we get lots of punya and paap nivrutti when we watch crowd of Vipras itself then imagine what kind of paap removal happens when you see a saint who is doing daily archana through Madhwa Peetha. Why paap nivrutti if we see Brahmin Crowd? Brahmin gatherings happen only when saints are in town Gathering happens if any Hari-Dasa Habba/festivals happen Happens when there is Vidwat-Sabha Crowd happens if there is Utsava, new temple, Jnana Karya Crowd happens when there is Pitru Karya  Apart from this its hard to bring crowd of Brahmins to any place. As their Nitya-Karma are so happens that if they get time they would spend that with their Adyayana-Adhyapana and family. So, if you see a crowd of Brahmins one of the above

Sarvadarshi Insights - Mahabharata Tatparya Nirnaya

      'Yedhamandwit(' येधमानद्विट ')   Hari Sarvottama-Vayu Jeevottama Who is called Strong Man? How Good & Bad people work   'Yedhamandwit(' येधमानद्विट ') 'Lord Srihari is called as येधमानद्विट because he is the one who will remove extra Punya if earned even by Devatas. Sometime Devatas will do extra punya beyond their scope/kaksha. When this happens GOD will level it back to their kaksha or scope by removing it through ways that he only defines which will cause welfare of society. During Tretayuga Laxmana does lots of seva of lord Rama directly. He goes above and beyond during Vana-vasa in doing his seva and satkarma towards lord Rama. This earns him lots of Punya for him. In next yuga(Dwapara) lord makes him elder brother Balarama. In Dwapara Balaram Devaru cannot do namaskara to Lord Krishna and also some time gets feelings of being elder to Krishna. Thus loosing extra punya earning.  Why GOD has to do like this? Let they earn more and enjoy more e

Chintana - GOD gives you what opt for

    Sri Hari is the one who gives us what we opt for Esu Kayangala kaledu 84 laksha Jeevarashiyannu dati banda ee sharira... as the Dasara song goes, we get many births and as different creatures of the universe. While as humans we walk, talk, dream, create, destroy, and as snails, we hold our own bone mesh on flesh and drag our body through our stomach... Wondering, why snail does like that? why snail has to carry its own bone mesh on its flesh body and drag through stomach? This is one of our own JANMA which GOD blessed after we showed our inclination towards such act.  We kept aside our swadharma, Karma and kept on feeding tummy with ashudha aahara Through our paap karma we became heavy on soft/satwik people and thus carry a weight of us to make others suffer. During chaturmasa, devara pooja, guru-hirayara aaradhana we kept on sleeping While these above causes might have happened in AJNANA(without pure intentions ) but, We blame like 'why the hell we became brahmins to do such p

Kshetra Darshana - Halaganesh

 Sarvadarshi News/ Madhavarao / 2021-11-11 Halaganesh(Mukhya pranadevaru) temple holds the history of around 4000+ years. Mukhyaprana Devara moorthy has 3 avataras represented very nicely and in unique ways. Said to be discovered by Janamejaya Maharaja while digging operation through 'HALA/negilu'. At the head, you will find shikhe - representing acharya MADHWA, face towards the south - representing HANUMA, while legs are turned to the north(opposite direction of face) representing another avatara BHEEMA. This temple is located just near the main road itself, thus making it easy for travelers to visit during Vijayapura visits. Many local people daily come and worship 3 times to Mukhya Prana. From Vijayapura this is just 28km distance and with good road connections.

Kshetra Darshana - Ibrahimpur Venkatesh temple

Just near to entry of Vijayapura from Bangalore to Solapur national highway, there is a beautiful Swayam Udbhava Lord Sri Venkatesh temple. It is having around 100+ years of history. It is said to be that during Bijapur shahi's time when the place was planned to construct a tomb the construction workers found lord Venkatesh status which is in just right tilted style. During Navaratra lots of Madhwa girls, boys and families do padayatra for almost 5kms to reach the place from their homes. Sri Venkatesh has been blessing the Vijayapura people from the south side and while Torave Narasimha blesses people from the north-west side.

Jnana Vairagya Guru Sri 1008 Sri Vedesh Teertharu

Ref: Sri Vedesh Teertharu & Their Shishya Parampara(Kannada Book) by Sri Vyasanakere Prabhanjanachar Ref: Sri Hari Guru Sthavana Mala(Kannada Book) by Sri Madhav Kulkarni(Mannur) Ref:  Mannur: Mannur Brindavan photos of Sri Vedesh Teertharu and Madhav Teertharu ( Most of us know Sri Yadavaryaru and their panditya. Their panditya and tapas has astonished the world of Satwik and even people who don't believe in GOD.  Lord Sri Hari himself gifted food items to Sri Yadavaryaru when they had doubts on sloka that proves GOD gives things that is needed if we pray in GOD. Sri Yadavaryaru is a GIFT by Sri 1008 Sri Vedesh Teertharu. Sri Vedesh Teertharu is known to be Maha-vairagya shikhamanigalu and also one who deserved their life for paatha, pravachana, bringing up human-scholars as assets to this world. There is a large shishya-parampara built by Sri Vedesh Teertharu. They did peetha tyaga(Giving up on Peetha) just for providing knowledge to their poorvash

Deepawali celebration and daily required activities

 Dont teach kids or explain to your office people Deepawali as festival of crackers or eating sweets. This is how history & importance of Deepawali is been wiped out by historians. Deepawali is a festival of JNANA, Satkarma, and dedicated worship of GOD and his Parivar Devatas.  During Deepawali - our prayers reach  Ganga ( Jalapoorana ) Laxmi ( Laxmi Kuber pooja ) Lord Vishnu Yamadevaru ( Yama Tarpana ) Bheemashen Devaru ( Narak Chaturdashi ) Bali Chakravarti ( Bali-Padya) Go matha ( Govatsa Dwadashi ) As we all know: Sarvadeva Namaskaram Keshavam Pratigachathi - all our pooja to parivar devata is to lord Vishnu itself. Govatsa Dwadashi Jalapoorana Trayodashi Abhyanga Snana Govatsa Dwadashi 02-11-2021 This day is Dwadashi always and one has to do Goseva and Gopooja and submit prasad to it and then do Parani.   This day evening we should light Yama Deepa during sunset & Deepa facing SOUTH.  Everyone in the home should light the Deepa. It should be IRON plate or IRON Deepa with

Madhwa Go-shalas for Donations

  Yelaguru Pramodatma Go-shala This go-shala started since many decades and have more than 500+ cows that are purely protected from the point of GO-MATHA. Following are the details for donations that you can make here. Details of Seva at Go Shala 1. Go Grass seva ₹2200/- 2. Fodder one ton ₹4500 3. Go dana (cow and calf)₹25000 4. Sankalp godana₹10000 5. One year cow adoption Rs 1000/- month for 12 months Name:Shri Pramodatma Go-Samrakshana Kendra Yalgur.  S B account Canara bank Yalgur branch IFSC CNRB0010847  A/c no. 08472200027419.    Please share details name , contact number, address, Gotra, Rasi and Nakstra by WhatsApp or sms this number. Regards Ajit Kulkarni. Sri Manorath Go-Shala (Trust) Badami This go-shala is started couple of years back by Sri Sanjeevachar and Sri Sameerachar. They are crazy and dedicated brothers in managing and protecting cows. The go-shala is near to Badami Banashankari temple and it can be visited enroute or specifically. Call up achar directly for food/a

Sarvadarshi - Madhwa4Madhwa - classifieds

Mr. Krishna Kembhavi(Mob 9480441134) from Kalburgi is making these Deepa's for Deepavali. Few Madhwas have ordered it already. Just sharing details in case anyone is interested.  Why Krishna? Krishna runs a "goshala". Purchases cows that go for butcher houses as they no longer milking. They use its dung and urine for various purposes to generate feed for those cows. A visitor to Goshala suggested to him about organic Deepa. Since last year the family is making Deepa. A pack of 75 Deepa is for Rs. 375(including courier charges). Deepa turn to ash after use  How to order and pay?  GooglePay or PhonePay. Payment after delivery. (He is sure that people do not defer payment to "Go mata") .  Contact Details: Name : Krishna Kembhavi Mob no. 9480441134 

Sarvadarshi Chintana - Jaya Jaya Jagatrana why?

Sarvadarshi/27-Oct/Madhava  Ref: Madhwanama book by Sri Srikantachar Mukkundi Chikkerur Madhwa Tatwa recommends us to question things and get right answers. If you set your direction correctly you will surely get pure answer - this is what Sri Mahabharath Tatparya Nirnaya sets background for. So our question today is: When Vayudevaru does not have a defeat at all why one should praise them with Jaya Jaya. Madhwa Nama starts with Jaya Jaya Jagatrana... Vayudevaru themself is JayaSwaroopa and also get Jaya to us when we worship them. So the question is why one has to say "Jaya" to them? Here is how one can learn about the heartfelt praise from Sripadarajaru. Jaya means Utkrusta - Vayudevaru is Jeevottama hence they are superior to all Jeevas. To mean this the word Jaya We are a mirror image(pratibimba) of Vayudevaru(not directly though). Vayudevaru is in our Bimba place. Thus saying Jaya to them will reflect Jaya to us. This is selfish praise itself but a holy selfish. Jaya - o

Sarvadarshi Madhwa Sadhak Teacher Award Nomination form

Nomination Form We have seen great teachers who have donated their land for the school, who have donated books throughout their lifetime, spent lots of time with students to make changes in their life. These people have not just worked for money. We are calling in for nominations for 'Madhwa Great Teacher' to recognize them through Sarvadarshi Tarang Madhwa News. One who has dedicated his/her time in impactful teaching to students in schools private or government and has not really worked just for money. Along with that one who also followed Madhwa Sampradaya by at least 2 times Sarvadarshi Tarang is a unique and only Madhwa News App and available today only on Android. Based on usage we may support iPhone too. Sarvadarshi Tarang news app is focused on the following principles: 1. Provides good news items daily - panchang, quotes, events, aaradhana, Ekadashi, festival, Special Days etc 2. Health bytes - to provide some good health tips 3. Finance Bytes - to provide finance-rela

Sarvadarshi Insight - Your Social Media is like open Window of your house

How about putting eating some cake on Whatsapp status on Ekadashi? Sounds great right and you are doing something unique and really lots of people appreciate being so great and modern!!! This is what our crazy thinking is while putting a status on social media. But it's like an act of cutting the tree branch on which you are sitting. Today billions of people have smartphones (iPhones as well), visit different countries, have all fun activities, eat everything that is grown or grows across the world. Have their big cars, big office, watch, shoes, smart restrooms as well. To whom we are flashing our crazy growth? Who appreciates when most corner village labor has smartphone and watches T20 online....? for whom you are celebrating status, birthday, party, filmy lifestyle, filmy dressing, filmy style marriages??? Sharing personal secrets, doing random activities (without knowing Artificial Intelligence and future plans of Facebook tracking it for their advertisement platform, etc ), sh

Sarvadarshi Madhwa Sadhakaru - K M Sheshagiri

We have selected Sri Sheshagiri K M as our Madhwa Sadhakaru as their latest work since last 2 years on "Sanskrit Vahini" has made a tremendous transformation in the artistic attachment of community to Madhwa Tatwa. They not only just teach how to draw and paint GOD pictures but also explain the background of that Avatara and encourage people to learn and then draw. Which is kind of transformational. We appreciate on behalf of the Sarvadarshi Tarang family great luck and happy life for such Sadhakaru. Background: Sheshagiri K M (Born in Jan1974 at Davanagere), has completed Five years Diploma in Fine Arts from University College of Fineart, Davanagere in 1996, securing 2nd Rank to the state and later Completed MFA with Distinction from KSOU, Mysore in 2015. He has been chosen for many prestigious Art Camps both at the state and national levels. The number of his works are in private collections of Multinational companies in India and Abroad. 5 solo exhibitions & 16+ group

ABMM the reformation gift to Society by - Sri Sri Vishwesha Tirtharu

  PIC: ABMM hostel Vidyanagar Hubli Sri Vishwesha Teerth Swamiji(Pejawar Math) has introduced lots of a first of its kind initiatives in the Madhwa community. It has widely benefited Brahmin families apart from Madhwas. Akhila Bharath Madhwa Mandala known as ABMM - is a Hostel for students. ABMM has made great help to lakhs of middle and lower-middle-class families to get food, accommodation, community friends circle, and also sort of common practices learned along with Satwik food. Many of the students who built their education out of these hostels are in the highest positions in any segment of society. Common traits of such students always been: Give back mindset Appreciating the struggle of others to help them and guide them Helping students and hostels across the nation with their earnings Providing support in the fields of education, healthcare, etc Also, they know the struggle of leading life on their own. Such hostels have to come up more and more and help Madhwa students leavin

Sarvadarshi - Health Bytes

Sarvadarshi Tarang provides information that helps people to live happily and devotionally lead a life better. Breast Cancer shifts to lower ages in ladies Schools open and Covid impact - know how to manage it Covid Management Date: 22-10-2021 Prevention is better than cure. Not using learnings that we got during 2019-2020 is SIN Many countries like China, Russia, and Europe started seeing a surge in covid cases again after they got schools and offices opened up. This is an alarm for India too where we recently claimed 100 Crore vaccinations. But we cannot ignore anything when it comes to health.  We all have fought the battle for 2 years and lost near and dear ones as well. We also got too many learnings in life in 2019 and 2020 Washing hands frequently Don't eat things directly from outside Wear a mask or protect from others coughs and infections Maintain distance from each other Do Namaste vs. handshake Have a proper healthy diet Have good sleep Do Yoga and mental stress relief

Sarvadarshi Madhwa Sadhakaru - Dr. Bindu Madhav Yendigeri

  Dr. Bindu Madhav Yendigeri  A born leader and social efforts maker. He was an inspiration to many students at school with his simple living & high thinking. Along with that his service to Madhwa society in Bijapur. Being a topper to schools and securing great ranking in CET and securing medical stream he still practiced all daily Madhwa rituals without any failure.  After becoming Doctor he dedicated his work towards helping the community, his patients without any discrimination and also guiding lots of young people into Laukik+Spiritual life with a Giveback mentality. He is one who worked for things without seeking - Name/ Fame / Special treatment / Special self motive etc.  During Covid-19 impact, he was a 24x7 available Doctor in Bijapur and on phone calls.  From Sarvadarshi Team we wish him great health, happy life, and lots of good deeds from him.

Sarvadarshi Chintana - What are those building blocks we should know meanings

  When it comes to our practices many times we could have been puzzled when kids ask questions like Why we should do Sandhyavandana? What if I don't do it? What is the meaning of Achamana? Have you come across such questions? Looks YES to me. So how are you learning these through life as these are important things that we need to carefully pass to our next generations and generations onwards? We have really a great responsibility in knowing, following, and passing to the next generations. Coming generations are modern, run through competition of the external world, composed of critical thinkings. They question us at the right times and if they don't get answers they move on. they are the one who does not get stuck to wait for you to answer back. Luckily, we have a large number of Vidwans, Pandits and also forums, WhatsApp groups, youtube channels at your quick reach. But all we have to do is take our oath to explore answers and keep them shared across generations. So what are y

Sri Rama Tirtharu - Navavrundavana

Ref/Author: Narahari Sumadhwa Sri Rama Tirtharu Vrundavana @ Navavrundavana, Anegondi Period – 1564 – 1584 ರಾಮತೀರ್ಥ ಗುರುವಂದೇ ರಾಮಪಾದಾಬ್ಜಭಾಜಕಂ | ಸಮ್ಯಜ್ಞಾತಧರೇಶಾನಂ ರಾಮಪಾರಮ್ಯಸಾಧಕಂ | रामतीर्थ गुरुवंदे रामपादाब्जभाजकं । सम्यज्ञातधरेशानं रामपारम्यसाधकं । ராமதீர்த குருவம்தே ராமபாதாப்ஜபாஜகம் | ஸம்யஜ்ஞாததரேஶாநம் ராமபாரம்யஸாதகம் | రామతీర్థ గురువందే రామపాదాబ్జభాజకం | సమ్యజ్ఞాతధరేశానం రామపారమ్యసాధకం |   Vrundavana pravesha – Ashwayuja Shudda Chaturdashi Ashrama Gurugalu – Sri Srinivasa Tirtharu (direct shishya of Vyasarajaru) Ashrama Shishyaru – Sri Lakshmikantha Tirtharu (Sosale Vyasaraja Mutt) – Sri Sridhara Tirtharu (Kundapura Vyasaraja Mutt) ಶ್ರೀ ಲಕ್ಷ್ಮೀಕಾಂತತೀರ್ಥರಿಂದ ವ್ಯಾಸರಾಜ ಮಠ ಮುಂದುವರಿಯಿತು ಮತ್ತು ಶ್ರೀ ಶ್ರೀಧರತೀರ್ಥರಿಂದ ಸೋಂದಾ ಕ್ಷೇತ್ರದ ಬಳಿಯಿರುವ ಹುಳೇಕಲ್ನಲ್ಲಿರುವ ವ್ಯಾಸರಾಜ ಪ್ರತಿಷ್ಠಿತ ಶ್ರೀ ಲಕ್ಷ್ಮೀನಾರಾಯಣ ದೇವರ ಪೂಜೆ ಮತ್ತು  ಕುಂದಾಪುರ ವ್ಯಾಸರಾಜ ಮಠ ಮುಂದುವರಿಯಿತು.  ಅದೇ ಪರಂಪರೆ ಈಗ ಅಬ್ಬೂರಿನಲ್ಲಿ ಮುಂದುವರಿದಿದೆ.

Sarvadarshi Finance - Bytes

Table of Contents Top-up for insurance Insurance Company selection Top-up for insurance Source: Prasanna Hatti ( 16-10-2021) Getting top-up cover for health insurance is a cheaper option compared to buying new insurance with higher coverage. But before zeroing on any top-up plan, understanding the difference between Top-up and Super top-up will be valuable to avoid trouble during the time of claim.  In simple Top-up plans, note that every time a claim is made in a year, your minimum hospital bill has to be above the deductible for the top-up plan to trigger. This is the reason why simple top-up plans are cheaper compared to super top-up plans. We need to understand our needs clearly before jumping with any Insurance Product. Insurance Source: IRDA Date: 16-10-2021

Sarvadarshi Chintana - What about our Madhwa families upliftment

When families suffer with issues they cannot focus on society or community. Are you concerned about why many Madhwa families don't show much interest when you talk about community, social efforts, or any other things that are related to society? The reason being when many families are struggling with basic needs, catching up with growth from zero(while our community never begs, never goes into totally wrong paths) they are inward-focused into their family and cannot easily get a time towards society. What are our findings? Satkarta Seva Association a crowdfunding platform did enquire about group insurance for madhwa families. The group insurance applies only when there is an entity and people are registered workers of that entity. In this regard unless all our temple, math becomes official entities and runs through payment systems they can cover easily all members and families with insurance coverages.  What we should do? We should have to run through a transformation and benefit

Tech Events - Skill Development Program for trending skill in the market

Program Details Date : 10/10/2021 Place : Sri Venkateshwara Temple Toravi road Timings : 3.30 to 5.30pm Note : Please be before the said timing so that the programs run on time and benefit more. Today skills are more important than the degree certificate or college in which one has studied. Most of the IT and IT-enabled employment sectors are moving towards modern technologies, tools, techniques and also predict the solutions. This requires employees with modern skills and adapt to the work environment quickly.  It is important that along with studies at college one need to constantly focus on 2 important things What's required in the job market where your profile can sell and suit the need What are those technologies, tools, and skills that makes one perfect to fetch great learning jobs Modern skills in IT are in high demand. Most organizations are struggling to get talents in the areas where organizations want to move with information technology. Skills like security, cloud-nativ

Sarvadarshi Uttistha Madhwa - An inspirational story we can learn and implement

Ref -  Tilak Kanya Shala | Facebook   Dear Madhwa Reader, Please read the below inspirational story of the way back 1921 where a set of women created a history by building a school where thousands of students god education. These women proved Nari-Shakti long back.  We all know till before NEP our education got redesigned as a commercial hub where lots of such schools got closed. As running education institution changed from giving education to making profit concept and getting infrastructure or getting approvals like CBSC, ICSC, etc while most such educated students still go through "basic communication training" in their offices after 30 years age!!! Thanks to Government making NEP a new education type for the nation and thus allows one to build really great schools.  The note from our heart is : the one who builds school again should not start collecting huge money in crores and wasting it on sand and cement. Rather follow lean building concepts and invest money in the edu

Sarvadarshi - Youth for Seva

  While there are many ways to contribute to the community and society. Madhwa young are assets for the present and our future. The new young generation is in the greater influence of working towards humanity. Working towards a social cause is also a GOD seva.  Here are great future projects that young should take as an initiative in as small groups as even 3-5 members. Where temples can still be the center of all events. Thus it can attract community towards GOD and also get social well being achieved. Education : a collection of old books and redistribution to needy Madhwa families Medical : assistance with medical bills claim in their known circle through which some of the daily needed medical bills can reduce burdon on small and low-income families Science Exhibition: The science exhibition will help to gather talent across the community to the temple, demonstrate their learning, and also educate others about their learning. Volunteer groups can reward and award them to succeed fu

Sarvadarshi Insights - Nava vidha Dwesha in GOD

जीवाभेदो निर्गुणत्वमपूर्णगुणता तथा |  सम्याधिक्ये तदन्येषां भेदस्तद्गत एव च प्रादुर्भाव विपर्यास स्तद्भक्तद्वेष एव च |  तत्प्रमाणस्य निंदा च द्वेषा येतेखिला मता: ||  (Mahabharath Tatparya Nirnaya Adhya-1 sloka 109 ) Like the way how we do Nava-vidha Bhakti (  Nava Vidha Bhakti (  there are Nava-vidha Dwesha one does knowingly or unknowingly. Hatred is an acid that kills self more than the one whom we hate. If you respect yourself more then stop hating others.  What are those 9 types of hate: Saying there is no difference between I & GOD and all one and same. Thinking Nirguna quality in GOD Thinking GOD Gunas(Qualities) as not pure or complete Thinking Brahma and self as same Thinking Brahma and other Devathas as supreme than GOD Thinking GOD different Avataras are different and are of varied qualities Thinking GOD has birth and death ( Janan-Maran)  Hating Vishnu Bhaktas Hating Shastra that teaches Vishnu Sarvottamatwa In many ways, modern life influe

Nava Vidha Bhakti

|| Shravanam Kirtanam Vishnoh Smaranam Paadasevanam Archanam Vandanam Daasyam Sakhyam Aatmanivedanam || The above sloka is told by Pralhad Rajaru, one of the greatest devotees for whose protection Lord Vishnu came in Narasimha Avatar. As per the above sloka there 9 types of Bhakti 1. Shravanam – Hearing the names and glories of the Lord Shravanam generally means hearing about Leelas or the greatness of God with great interest. So if you are a person with great interest in Ramayan, Mahabharat, Puranas, etc then this is the best way for you. If your friends talk about GOD and his leelas then they are good friends helping you with Shravanam Sadhana. Dasaru are too much Poojaniya because they sang many songs for us to listen and do Shravana Bhakti.  It is better to practice GOOD than opposing BAD. If you want a true leader in Shravanam Bhakti - its Parikshitha Maharaja who knew his death is just 7 days away and being King anything he can enjoy but he devoted all his last days t