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Sarvadarshi Madhwa Sadhakaru - Sri Sreenivasacharya Gurachar Katti

 Sri Sreenivasacharya Gurachar Katti  DOB: 10/06/1944 Born in Kallapur village of Hanagal Taluk, and was a born fighter. Completed his studies at Kallapur and joined RSS as one of the seva karta during childhood itself. They were inspired by the thoughts of RSS to get India out from clutches of invaders. Also, they were impressed by RSS as how it builds nationality into common man. While being on his services he still served as volunteer at various occasions chosen by RSS. As we know RSS is the unique group which comes when there is flood, national issue and also natural disaster times. In 1994 when there was an issue to hoist flag in Idga Ground(ಈದ್ಗಾ ಮೈದಾನ) there was a work going on from RSS lead by Murali Manohar Joshi, Uma bharathi and many others and Sri Sreenivasachar Katti were one among them. While there was fight with Govt itself (Which was not allowing to hoist flag in the interest of Idga Ground groups), they hoisted flag that year and also in the gun-fires attained Haripada

Sarvadarshi Tarang - Mahayogi Sri Pt. Hayagreevacharya of Nimbal

Today Nimbal is known for Ranade Maharaj Ashrama more popularly. But few decades ago it had witnessed a Maha Madhwayogi Sri Hayagreevacharya   धुनोति निबिडं तमः परिलुनाति पापाटवीं तनोति च मनोरथानुपचिनोति नानोत्सवान् । अनक्ति च पुनः पुनर्ननु मनः सुधानिर्झरैः व्यनक्ति परिओपक्त्रिमं वृषगिरीशभक्तिः शुभम् ॥ - विश्वगुणादर्श – वृषगिरीशभक्तिः If one has strong devotion towards God, it will illuminate thick darkness, destroy the forest of sins, expands thoughts about God, gives various kinds of happiness. It will flood the mind again an again with elixir so that it can remain happy for ever. - Vishvagunadarsha Ref: Mahayogi Pandit Hayagreevacharya ( Kannada Book ) Original Author : Sri Ramacharya Aadya Background Once upon a time the present Vijayapura(then Bijapur) was also known as Vidyapura(place of knowledge), due to attack of the worst King Adilshahi it got name as Bijapur. There is a place called Nimbal(well known Railway station since long) at 42kms from Bijapur. One can witness the rail

Madhwa community needs such excellent platforms - Haridasa Milana

Date: 24-05-2022 Courtesy: Vijayavani Kannada Newspaper 24-05-2022 In the recently concluded mega event of 'Developing & protecting Haridasa Sahitya' effort by Haridasa Milan, Daasopasana, Chippagiri Sri Vijayadasa Seva Balaga showed what a committed platform can give back to society. Sri Vishwaprasanna Teerth Swamiji blessed the organizer Dr. R. P. Kulkarni and appreciated their great effort in driving such a good initiative even through 'web platforms' during these years. Such platforms are boon to the Madhwa community and need to grow in the coming days. Many people from the organizing committee like Dr. R P kulkarni, Sanjeev Joshi, Vaishnavi Panchamukhi, Gouri Kulkarni, Venkatesh Joshi, Padma Puranik, Raghavendra, Karthik, Poorni Kulkarni, Varuni, Anandteerth, Nataraj, Vaibhavi Kulkarni, Kumari Pramati, etc were present and got blessings o

Sarvadarshi Tarang Application V1.1.0 release highlights

You will see that there are no more new items and you read all items  Now read headlines as and when they are published by popular news channels from the Sarvadarshi Tarang app itself. Notification features show all new items that have arrived when you open the app. This helps to know new items at a single glance in the notification group. Improved categories:  Health ( includes Finance Bytes ) that helps you to know important health/finance-related useful information. Donation : This helps you to know which madhwa family in trouble so that you can do Yatha-Shakti help to them. Special Days : This collects all Aradhana, Ekadashi, and Punya Dina information in advance so that you can browse, share, and download it anytime. Siddhantha : This category provides you some real insights on Madhwa Tatwa that you can learn, apply to lifestyle and make good sadhana. Sadhakaru : This category shows all people whom we have found doing great service to society and recognized them. You can also writ

Sarvadarshi Insights - Ignorance towards Madhwa/Brahmin run schools

 Its easy to talk loud on world's problems but tough to follow even small problem. There are quite a lot schools that are run by Brahmins & few are run by Madhwas only. These schools incubate culture and high class education that is needed for jobs. These schools are run with good quality teachers, infrastructure and less fees in comparison to other schools. In-spite of such benefits there is lots of ignorance by parents to admit their kids to such schools.  Once upon a time in Vijayapura(then Bijapur) history schools like PDJ, V.B. Darbar etc were of huge demand. These schools had good infrastructure that was needed up to year 2000(of course infrastructure of these schools vs modern schools is totally legacy). These schools were popular because of their 'culture' than so called English Education. Most of the lawyers, doctors, engineers emerged out of these schools and serving society in their respective segments. Lets explore whats going wrong from both the sides. Wher

Sarvadarshi Insights - Are you prepared for worst financial situations?

  There are only few milking cows in our community, how much you will extract from them? Why are you in hurry to milk more for not urgent needs You must be reading breaking news daily, you know how Russia & Ukraine has caused lots of financial damages to many countries! Also, our neighbor countries like Pakistan & Sri Lanka now under fire. The situation is more worst than 2019-2021 Covid crisis. You may wonder 4-5 states in India are worst performing with GDP & DEBT, soon they will be under trouble. So, as Madhwas are we planned to manage financial crisis? Today we dont have any central funds, dont have social support also dont have any backup. So have you thought? Give size of our community and considering experience that we had during Covid-19 pandemic we found following There are only few rich class people who donate for large impacts Small donations platforms like Satkarta Seva Association etc suffer from people not making name/fame and also Matha-bhedha issues. Crowd f

Sarvadarshi Chintana - Why we started worrying so much

 What do we learn from Narasimha Avatara? सत्यं विधातुं निज-भृत्य भाषितं व्याप्तिं च भूतेष्वखिलेषु चात्मनः | अदृश्यतात्यद्भुत रूपं उद्वहन् स्तम्भे सभायां न मृगं न मानुषं || - श्रीमद्भागवतं satyam vidhaatum nija bhrutya bhaashitam | vyaaptim ch bhooteshwakhileshu chaatmanaH | adhrushyataatbhuta roopamudhwahan | stambhe sabhaayaa na mrugam na maanusham. || Lord Narasimha took Avatara to keep up trust words of their Bhakts (Pralhada, Java-Vijaya) He proved he dont need to be born or no other jeeva cause needed for his avatara Lord can kill any daemon with just his Nakha(each of his body is as paripoorna has him) Today we are in deep worries as opposed to being confident about our survival and success as its all managed by GOD?  Why we have installed worry in our minds? With lots of invaders attacking us periodically looting our properties & assets Our strong laws does not allow us to crime but crime happens on us easily We cannot marry another religion girl with compromising our rules

Sarvadasrshi Sadhakiyaru - Madhwa Women Achievers

 Being a true Madhwa lady is as tough life style as a women CEO of large organization How is Kalibadhe to Women? Women been power of the community always, in the past, present and most importantly for future. If dharmik happy life has to be seen on this earth its possible only through brave women. Today with heavy influence of western culture, to be clear western Bad culture influence is much higher than influence of westerns good culture. The culture of cutting cake, waking up in midnight 12 and giving a gift/cake has become totally unavoidable. We are at peak of blind culture by people who said Dharma is blind belief!!! There are several life being sacrificed just because family did not agree to celebrate kids 1st birthday in hotel at the cost of 40-80,000. Women are under tremendous peer pressure today, applying kunkum, wearing mangalasutra has itself been a factor of being old-school-though person. People don't want to even show themselves as Madhwas, Brahmins or even married.

Sarvadarshi Insights - Bhagavatha & Ganga comparison

  ग = Historical Papa(Aitihasika),  ं   = Internal Papam(Antarang) गा   = Eternal Papam(Paraloka) Ganga is most popular that we think reduces our papa when chanted even from a 100 yojana distance. But here is some thought to go beyond Ganga and see what Bhagavatha can provide us? How simple it is? Why we have to take our kids so close to Bhagavatha? Please leave any thoughts/inputs in comments. GANGA BHAGAVATHA Ganga flows from Himalayas to down to wash off papa of people who come to her Bhagavatha starts washing off papa of all people who are impacted by Kaliyuga Ganga will remove sins if you take dip Bhagavatha removes sin just by being near to it Ganga removes sins thoroughly for person praying to her Bhagavatha removes sin of person and his ancestors(Kula) Yojanana Shatairapi – as said Ganga can bring person praying from 100 yojana distance to punya phala Bhagavatha is lo

Sarvadarshi Tarang - Madhwa Sadhakaru Katageri Dasaru

 Sri Anantacharya Balacharya Katageri ( Katageri Dasaru ). Sri Anatacharya Katageri(hence called as Katageri Dasaru), is a real Madhwa Sadhakaru. The Madhwa Tatwa says, we are born to do Adhyayana, Adhyapana, and spreading Vishnu Sarvottamatwa and Vayu Jeevotamatwa. Along with that make positive difference to as many lives as possible through our wisdom or ability that GOD has given to us. They are from a place called as Katageri of Bagalkot district.  Link from Google Map Their songs -  Song Collections Katageri Dasaru spend 80+ years in learning, sharing and building Dasa Sahitya in many students. They rode the bicycle to go to house from house to teach Dasa padagalu to kids & young. This is not simply possible by everyone as people expect return on their efforts. But, Dasaru did niswartha seva by not expecting anything from anyone but expected GOD to give energy to keep making difference. Their voice is one unique and always pleasing to convert any confusions of mind towards cla

About our Editor - Madhavarao Kulkarni

Hare Namaha ! I’m Madhava, a freelance writer and editor from the Sarvadarshi Tarang with quite a few years of experience. I love crafting words and producing content, and with my passion comes an outstanding quality of work. My professional profile can be found at -

Sarvadarshi Chintana - Let our common premises give job opportunity to Madhwas

Unless we create opportunities for Madhwas, who will create it for them? Even if some one creates they expect them to convert to their siddhantha.  Presently in Matha, temple we had only flower sellers of other casts. They made money out of our investments. These days there is slight change, we are seeing few madhwa families making their life by selling some food items like Mandige, Shavige, snacks items etc.  Does this tell some story that we want to expose here? There are plenty of niche skills that our community need to focus. For this some one need to do ice breaking job to start with. Following are some rare skills for which we go for providing large benefits non-madhwas. Gorilla Glass or tamper glass fixing opportunity ( Daily transactions of around 1000-5000 thus giving salary of almost 25-30 thousands per month ). Mangalasutra repair work ( Rs. 80-120/- per repair and daily expected around 1200-2500 thus giving salary of 30-40 thousands per month ) Unique antique items that sui

Sarvadarshi Insights - Platforms - community growth - opportunities - go hand in hand

Unless you provide the platforms that are apprporiate to present or future generation, there will be not much growth of the community which directly means no opportunities within that community.   After lots of research on traditional methodologies to understand how to start something new, make it successful, and sustain it for a longer period, Westerns have created great platforms through which they could build things for the present and future generations. If you look at the investment they do is always on something that promises future success. While looking from past and present angles it looks wrong decision and also a waste of effort but that happens only for those who are not ready for the future at all. Where our community is falling backward today? No schools, hostels, PG, hospitals built No platforms for the upbringing of kids No platform built for training someone who wants to get into sanatana dharma No investment in IT services to keep a database of community, communicatio

Sarvadarshi Chintana - Lets tie rope to stomach and chant Damodara

Damodara -  Dam=cord, Udara=stomach, Lord when he was tied with a rope around his waist. God gives the message that one who is fasting and praying to me will stay there for them. Our daily pooja, chintana, and Bhakti all have to start when we are still fasting to get real benefits. Hari kathamrutasara says "damodarana Nene Dina Dinadi" meaning worship Damodara daily. One who has control over his/her tummy that is fed daily will get GOD inside him. Hence it is said 1-time eater is YOGI, the 2-time eater is BHOGI, 3 times eater is ROGI and the 4-time eater is called "Hottukondu Hogi(means lift their body)". Please read below information about Lord Damodara.   Damodar is one of the most wonderful expressions to address Lord Krishna. The literal translation of the term is the one with a rope tied around his belly. There is an interesting episode in the Bhagavata that can illustrate why Krishna got the name Damodhar.   The pranks, mischievous plays and miracles that

Sarvadarshi Insights - Reference giving model for kids growth

Which parent does not want their kids to succeed? Who does not give reference of others to their kids? Every parent likes to bring their kids to the best possible ways. Specially in Madhwas most parents want their child to be a role model, spiritual, and great personality on the earth. The Satwik tatwa that comes by birth itself thinks in this ways.  In today's competitive world we often tend to associate with the large types of people who think and aim differently. Most of the crowd today is tending towards Rajasa or Tamasa personality(may be GOD wish for Kaliyuga itself is like that). But, still you find great number of people who want to be satwika only.  While as a smart parent we want to give our kids great example and references we should know how references are to be given? What type of references normally work and does not work. If you give reference of brother, relative, sister or school mate(who is scoring more marks or good at school) it is called as near reference. If y



Sri Bhogapuresh Teerth Kshetra

 Sri Bhogapuresh(Mukyaprana) Source Ref : Shri Bhogapuresha is Shri Hanumantha Devaru installed by Shri Janamejaya Raja and is a very Jagruta (powerful) God. Nobody who have offered Seva here, have returned empty handed. Speciality about Shri Bhogapuresha is that - the idol is Bhinna (broken). Inspite of that we perform Puja because Shri Bhogapuresha Himself told that though the idol is broken, His sannidhana (presence) is in that idol. Many Peethadipatigalu, Dasaru have visited this place. Shri Satyaparayanateertharu, Shri Satyapramodateertharu, Shri Satyatmateertharu, Shri Sushameendrateertharu, Shri Suvidyendrateertharu, Shri Vidyamanyaru and many more peethadipatigalu and Dasaru - Shri Vijayadasaru, Shri Jagannatha dasaru have visited this place. Shri Satyaparayanateertharu and Shri Suvidyendrateertharu have composed Shlokas on Shri Bhogapuresha. Shri Vijayadasaru

Sarvadarshi Sumadhwa Bytes - Carry something when you visit elders/king, kids & Guru

Sumadhwavijaya is the most valued Kavya written by Sri Narayana Panditacharyaru. Sri Narayana Panditacharyaru is called "KaviKula Tilaka". If you read the sloka (Ref 6th Sarga sloka 38) one can make out the way how they explain the given prameya. How did Acharyaru explain the shape of the Bharath Khanda? They clearly explain that from Himayala to Ramsetu the Bharath khanda(India) looks like a BOW shape. One should definitely wonder when there was no aerial view and no satellites and drones how Sri Anand Teertharu explained the shape of the Bharath Khanda? Not only that they also explain that the nation is been put a crown as Lord Narayana himself situated in Uttara Badari(where people can visit). Sri Anand Teertharu reaches the Badari Narayanana and submits their newly written "Bhasya to Bagavadgeetha". Through this submission just for vishnu-preetyartham they also give us a message that -  Whenever you visit elders, gurus & kind or house of kids never go bare h

Sarvadarshi Insights - Spread of Dharmik Extra activities needed in tier 2-3-4 cities

The metro cities of India are seeing lots and lots of Dharmik attachments and Madhwa generations are building multiple skills to live life the way they want. While most prefer to study in good schools and colleges the admissions of Madhwa population into govt schools is around 1% while 99% in private schools.  Smart parents prepare themselves very well to provide various platforms through which kids can study and learn many skills through which they can survive. Thus providing them opportunities in sports, Yoga, Sangeetha, art, and many more platforms. This increases the cost of living and demands more earnings.  These skill learning also opens up opportunities for someone to start a new venture where they are good at or feeds their life. Thus creating job opportunities.  The trend of teaching Yoga, Sangeetha, Bharata Natya, and many skills today are seen on a large scale in western countries and also in most metro cities in India. In tier 2-3-4 cities it mostly does not get that impor

Dasa Sahitya Lahari Sri Krishnadas Murgod

Sri Krishnadas Murgod is one of the present generations gift to Hari-Dasa Sahitya. The sahitya of daasaru was coming like  Ref: Sri Krishna Das Murgod is fairly well known by everyone in North (Uttara), Karnataka. They spread hari-das Sahitya by visiting house after house with our demand of any benefits. Their true service to GOD was spread of Madhwa Tatwa hidden in the Das Sahitya.  Murgod Das has knocked the house after house. Performed Bhajana as per our Dwaita Philosophy-Taaratamya-Panchabheda. His voice is & a continuous spell of full taratamya list of songs was not possible by anyone to try today as well. All the Padas-Songs -Sulaadis of Dasa are all in his mouth, sings by heart.  We feel as though he has crammed up all these great Literary works. Murgod Das was always singing with complete involvement. Through his melodious Bhajan ALWAYS UPHELD Hari Sarvottama Vayu Jeevottama and the greatness of the noble Dwaita Pontiffs.  They were truly bless

Sarvadarshi Insights - Thoughts move from mind to minds

  Have you ever thought, what happens to the idea that came to your mind and you just ignored it? It happens many a time that we raise our voice when some one demonstrates somethings and you start saying "oh it was my idea also, long back only i thought about it etc". Then, how come in the world others also get same idea? What is idea? Ideas are collection of solution oriented steps that arrive after some one aquires power of thinking. When thoughts mature and starts finding common things between many thoughts collected in mind trigger ideas. The supreme GOD is the power behind ideas. He makes us capable of dreaming, collecting and ideating... Why we ignore ideas? Its our in ability that makes idea to be ignored. Remember, ideas never get killed but rather they are ignored by an individual chetana. Like how kid cannot consume a roti(hard food), in the same way not prepared person ignores ideas. Basically Idea has following approaches Idea generation Idea growth Idea preparati

Benefits of having Lord with you than praying for something else!

Author: Smt. Harini Pagadal  Before the Kurukshetra war, both Arjuna and Duryodhana approached Lord Sri Krishna for help. The Supreme Lord was in Yoga Nidra. With great devotion, Arjuna sat near his feet. On the other hand, affected by his ego Duryodhana sat near The Supreme Lord's head.  After waking up The Supreme Lord initially saw Arjuna since he was near his feet. Then The Supreme Lord greeted Arjuna and asked about his well-being. But Duryodhana could not bear it. As he was sitting near the head of The Supreme Lord he was left unnoticed. Therefore Duryodhana tried hard to grab Lord Sri Krishna's attention. But Lord Sri Krishna only after finishing his conversation with Arjuna turned towards Duryodhana. Then, Duryodhana unfolded his query. " O ! Krishna!  You know the reason for our arrival. We both are your relatives. You very well know that a war is on the verge of breaking out between the two of us. So, without any partiality, you should support both of us" as

Sarvadarshi Chintana - Chetana Paramatmanige Achetana Chintana

One foreign devotee asked Madhwa visitor in Udupi - What you see in temple when you come here? The answer from the person was "I come to see Lord Krishna". Then the person asks another question have you seen Krishna talking, walking, speaking? The person says "No, it is not possible". Then he adjusts himself in just clarifying it or just saying broader meaning like inside everyone Krishna is there etc. In the answer of the person it looked like - we visit Krishna statue(murthi) than really seeing Krishna. That means we see Achetana item(statue) in Chetana Swaroopi Krishna. This reminds us to really understand what is the real meaning of the word Darshana(Sanskrit and many languages)? Is it that you see GOD or GOD see you? Following is an extract of the meaning of the word DARSHANA in English [ref -  What does DARSHANA mean ( ] The word darshana means the eye, dream, intellect, dharma, attainment, mirror, scripture, six philosophies, colour, direct per

Sarvadarshi Insights - Need of the hour to spread across Western Ghats

  If you dont think today, you wont think tomorrow as well The Western Ghat is a boon for us to cover Madhwa Tatwa and also provide rich nature friends Madhwa Kshetra for future generations. This kshetra is been touched by Sri Madhwacharyaru and has now been limited to what our ancestors have constructed. If we don't invest ourselves into the growth of Madhwa kshetras(not just renovating, again and again, existing ones but building new ones) then we can be sure that we lost such nature-friendly heavenly places. Today's generation is fast-moving and is naturally exhausted by the busy life of cities. They kind of look forward to resorts, hill places, and other natural places where they can relax their soul and appreciate GOD's creation(srusthi tatwa) and be back to their refreshed life.  As Madhwa we have lots of opportunities for such creations Madhwa gurukula where students study shastra and also regular education in the middle of nature calmness Facilities that will open u